Welcome from NJ. When you post include some pictures of your "goats.....and cattle.....and rabbits.....and chickens......" it will be a nice change !
We raise Irish Dexter cattle on our small farm. They have the best meat ive ever had and with 5% milk fat, they are great for cheese, ice cream, bitter, cream and drinking. Really the perfect breed in my opinion. Also, they are very docile and and hearty. They are foragers and grazers for the most part but we grow some food too. All our animals are 100% sustained by our farm.
And, they are much smaller than average beef cattle, making it easier to deal with harvesting on the farm. Bulls average about 900 pounds, cows about 700 pounds. Our chickens are of all varieties, including some rare birds. I get a lot of them from people who no longer want them.... they are kinda designer chickens.