Having proportion distortion!

Having proportion distortion!
Nice grain on that one! I'm jealous. I've been looking for a Milverton in the dark smooth finish for a few months now. No luck so far. The search continues. The game is afoot!Had a too short snooze, and am now smoking year 2013 Esoterica Tilbury in a smooth medium bend 1999 Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Milverton with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem.
View attachment 254178
Gorgeous Becker!Capstan Gold Flake in a Wolfgang Becker wasp.View attachment 254104
Thanks,Very striking pipe!
I've got a stack I've been ignoring for quite some time now. Thinking this cool season will be a good opportunity to crack a tinFirst Snow has really been hitting the spot as things cool down, in a Bones.
View attachment 254196
I got a feeling were in for a severe winter this year. I hope Im wrong but too many signs pointing in that direction. Already had snow at Mt. Laconte.I've got a stack I've been ignoring for quite some time now. Thinking this cool season will be a good opportunity to crack a tin