My Home Blended Pressed Cake Adventure

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Sep 9, 2022
I’ve been going through my jars and tins as I move some things over to Mylar. I popped a 3 year-old jar of C&D Bright Virginia Ribbon. Very tasty at this point. I didn’t smoke any of it when it was fresh at all. 4 ounces in 2 jars. I’ll never smoke it all up on its own I figure.

I’ve got all these jars of blending tobacco. The Granulated Perique is about 5 years old now. The Dark Burley from 2020 is superb. I mean, I love smoking it straight. It’s not quite as good as pure Semois, but close. (I was less enamoured with the 2022 batch.) The Izmir is also 4 or 5 years old. All good stuff. A bunch of Dark Fired Kentucky, and Cigar Leaf, and some Stoved Virginia, and a small jar of Latakia. I probably only ever bought an ounce of it to sample.

Oh well. I guess if I empty these jars and throw a bunch of stuff together I can clear some space! Haha.

Here’s what I came up with. (The percentages are rounded and based on weight. I used close to 9oz of loose tobacco. A little spillage and some sampling left me with 8.3 ounces of pressed cake and about 1/2 oz of loose.):

24.5% C&D Dark Burley (77% 2020 batch, 23% 2022 batch)
22.25% C&D Bright Virginia Ribbon
16.75% C&D Dark Fired Kentucky
11% C&D Izmir
5.625% C&D Chopped Cigar Leaf
5.625% C&D Granulated Perique
5.625% Sutliff Stoved Virginia
5.625% Sutliff Vanilla Custard
3% C&D Latakia

In a Ziplock bag, I pressed the blend between 2 pieces of plywood with 11 clamps for 5 days, tightening the clamps once or twice a day.
You can see some tobacco juice accumulated near where I poked a tiny hole in the Ziplock bag to let the air escape. It looks purple. Is that from the Vanilla Custard Aromatic or the Stoved Virginia? With no added casing, the tobacco is dry enough than nothing leaked out. I wonder if it will hold together when I unclamp it, or just crumble into a more melded blend.
The slab is 10.25" by 6.25" by 3/8". It turns out I can pick up the whole thing. It’s a solid cake. Crumbly around one edge though. I could cut it and re-press it to further meld the tobaccos…add a little casing...

On second thought…nah. It wants to be smoked!

I cut it up into 6 pieces using a sharp cleaver.
I was after a balanced, complex, smoky, burley-dominant blend, with a decent amount of nicotine, and ever so slightly aromatic. (The Burley — counting the Dark Burley, Dark Fired Kentucky, Cigar Leaf, and Perique combined — is 52.5% of the blend.) Flavour-wise I had somewhere between Amphora Original and Epiphany, or Revelation Match in mind, I guess, but with a lot more heft than those. Less aromatic than Amphora. More Nicotine. That’s what I was after. A strong, slightly aromatic, kitchen sink blend. I didn’t use any Red Virginias. Just a bit of Stoved. Next time I’ll probably try blending the Bright with a little Red before mixing it with Burley.

The blend is mostly pure, aged tobacco, with no added casing. Fairly dry. Ready to smoke. Like a C&D crumble cake, but a little sloppier.

The end result is slightly closer to Amphora than Epiphany or Revelation Match, in terms of flavour, due to the DFK being well present. The Latakia is just right. Even at 3% it gives the slight hint of an English. It’s there. The Turkish leaf helps that impression along I guess, and adds some spicy sourness. The Vanilla Custard is highly evident when you smell the blend, but less so in the smoking. Maybe that will mellow down over time. It smells quite tangy, and the Perique comes through too. I can smell the Perique from a couple feet away, but when I stick my nose in the bag it smells like vanilla and cream, with a lot of tanginess from the Virginia and Izmir. There’s a deep foundation of cereal grain (Cheerios), slight cocoa, and a wisp of smoke too.

If I tried to recreate this, I’d go with 50/50 Vanilla Custard and Black Cordial (a cherry aromatic). I could tweak things here or there, but this contains all the tobaccos I like, and the proportions are really pretty good. It’s a little too aromatic for me as a first impression, but it doesn’t taste that aromatic, so overall I’m quite happy with this little cellar clearing, space-saving experiment.
8.3 oz of crumble cakes and 0.3oz of loose bits. Perfect! I’ll enjoy this for a few years.

I should have called it Valentine’s Cake, not Flake! Oh well.


Sep 9, 2022
Thanks for the responses!

I'm not smoking very often these days but I'll post a bit more about this blend once I've smoked it a few more times. I've done some very casual blending in the past but this is the first time I really went for something specific, and went to the trouble of pressing it. It's good! I highly recommend blending and pressing your own cakes if you've got some clamps or a noodle press! I would have let it go longer but I was dying to try it.

I don't know if smoking it so soon after pressing it is giving me more flavour, the way freshly ground coffee is way more flavourful than pre-ground, but the flavours in this REALLY pop. Those volatile oils may oxidize a bit after days or months, dulling down the flavour a bit. Just a theory. But this tastes better than just about anything I've ever smoked. (Maybe that's my bias affecting my tastebuds!) It's a little similar to Watch City slices, without the rum. The Izmir and Perique are doing a lot to deepen and complexify. The Vanilla is overpowering in the tin note, but I can barely taste it the smoke. Amazing how aromatic those Sutliff aromatics are!
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Sep 9, 2022
I find this blend very offensive in the flavor department. It appears to me as a hodge podge of horribleness. Sorry no sale.
That's laughable, but if you want to poo poo something you've never tried and never will, go right ahead.
Sorry to resurrect, but this is awesome. I dont know how I missed this. Keep us updated on the your cake ages.
Thanks @Chalaw87. I've smoked more than a dozen bowls of this now in a variety of pipes, with a little added moisture in the jar (distilled water). It seems pointless to try to write up a review of it. I've smoked over a hundred different blends, at least. I'm no @JimInks mind you, so looking for something to directly compare this to leaves me stumped. It works really well for me though. What can I say? It's synergistic. The Kentucky and Izmir are doing something together that reminds me of Black House or MacBaren HH Vintage Syrian. It's kind of English but with hardly any Latakia noticeable. The smokiness is coming mostly from the Kentucky. I guess this is a Scottish blend in the true sense, meaning a blend where a bunch of different tobaccos create a single impression without any one dominating. There's almost no Vanilla in the flavour, but it still comes through quite a lot in the jar aroma. It's a little bit grassy and fairly nutty. In narrower chambers it's a little more cigar like and in a wider chamber the Izmir seems to come forward more. It's got a satisfying nicotine punch and absolutely no bite whatsoever. I can freight train the shit out of it if I want to and besides the flavours getting a little muddy when I do so (as you would expect), there's no burning sensation on the roof of my mouth. The absence of red Virginia's in this makes it very smooth for my pallet.

I blended this the same way I go about making a Thai curry paste, which is to blend, smell, sample, blend, smell, blend, smell etc. The tobacco proportions and constituents were not random. I made the blend using only tobaccos I enjoy smoking on their own individually in proportions I thought would give me the result I was after and it worked! In the future I'll be stocking up on blending tobaccos and letting them jar age individually for future blending experiments. Cheers!
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Sep 9, 2022
It doesn't need vacuum sealing. I could seal it in mylar if I wanted to store it for years. It's getting smoked. I guess I've smoked about an ounce of it so far. (?)

I did transfer a couple of the crumble cakes to a jar and rubbed them out. That's what I'm smoking. The rest of it is just zipped in mylar. I also spritzed a little distilled water on the jar portion to see if I liked it with a little more moisture.
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Mar 29, 2020
The Last Frontier
It doesn't need vacuum sealing. I could seal it in mylar if I wanted to store it for years. It's getting smoked. I guess I've smoked about an ounce of it so far. (?)

I did transfer a couple of the crumble cakes to a jar and rubbed them out. That's what I'm smoking. The rest of it is just zipped in mylar. I also spritzed a little distilled water on the jar portion to see if I liked it with a little more moisture.

I got my two presses today. I’ve got a few ideas to start with but I’m waiting on the components to get here.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 1, 2023
Willamette Valley of Oregon
I just mixed up about a pound of odds and ends blended with some red Virginia Cavendish, bright Virginia and red Virginia ribbon. I think I may use your pressing method and press part of it and see what it does for the mixture.

Awesome post! Thank you for sharing and such great detail, it gives me some good ideas!
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 18, 2022
New Orleans, LA
I picked up a noodle press a while back & have been futzing around with my own blends. The first one I did was:
40% perique
30% Red VA
20% Bright VA
10% Black Cav
Pressed for a week then jarred for 2 before trying. It’s not bad & the flavors were a lot more harmonious vs the loose tobacco I had blended & tried. I just started another with the same 4 tobaccos listed above & added Latakia & Izmir Turkish to the mix. I’m giving the leftovers time in a jar before trying them. It smells interesting (my wife could only smell the perique. “It smells like manure!” That’s how you know it’s good, baby.)
Now I’m debating pressing ALL my bulk tobacco. But, given my limited space & equipment, I’ll probably just stick to 50g home blends.
I like the idea of adding a touch of frosty mint to a blend. If OP or anyone here has tried it, let me know how it turned out.
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