***What Are You Smoking, August 2021?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and am just passing the quarter mark on this bowl of Mac Baren Royal Twist Deluxe (Re-release) in a 1970s smooth brown slight bent rough top Charatan's Make (Lane) Perfection Deluxe Extra Large with right and left channel cuts and a black double comfort vulcanite stem. A very generous friend gifted me the tobacco.
Charatan_Perfection_Deluxe_Extra_ Large.jpg


Feb 11, 2021
Afternoon tryout bowl of C&D Kajun Kake (three-month old tin) in a sacrificial Wilke smooth Billiard with pinch-waist tapered stem size 4 ... with trepidation. As a transplant, I'm trying to learn Southern Ways, here meaning perique. Peppery at the start, then calms down; nice and full, some "rough edges" as Jiminks might call them, but smooth for what it is (red virginia cavendish and perique), smoking reminds me sort of a Louisianan "Royal Yacht." Interesting change of pace for the rotation and more age should mellow it (have a tin of Chenet's Cake to try, too, y'all).


Feb 21, 2013
This must be LBF day. I'm smoking it in a once unfinished Savinelli bent Dublin which is now taking on a nice sheen but not yet the deep polished look it will eventually attain. I coaxed up a little more color with a paper towel before I packed it today. Lightning is popping outside, the last bolt near the house. Whoop-de-day. Flash flood warnings until 7 p.m. EDT.
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