The Pipe Doesn’t Matter

Heeschen Pipe Twins

I hear the rumblings already. “What a load of codswallop, Pease? Of course the pipe matters.” Sure it does, but I can’t count how many times I’ve read similar words […]

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The Curse of Expectations

Ogden's St. Bruno Rough Cut

Years ago, a friend, I’ll call him Zeke, gave me two tobacco samples in baggies labeled simply “A” and “B,” asking me to give him my thoughts. I smoked both […]

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Latakia Doesn’t Age Well

Vintage Latakia Tins from Gregory L. Pease's Collection

“Latakia goes flat after a few years, loses its flavor.” “Don’t age English blends too long, or you’ll be disappointed.” It’s a fairly common sentiment amongst some die-hard Latophiles. Smoke […]

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Breathing Room

G. L. Pease Fillmore Tobacco

I love surprises. A couple months ago, I pulled the rings on freshly minted tins of three experimental blends. These had come out of the press just days earlier, and […]

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The Top Half, Please

Charatan Supreme

From a bunch of basket bargains to some very nice hand-made beauties, a great many pipes have passed through my hands over the years. I’ve always loved the hunt for […]

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