Kevin GodbeeThank you for joining us for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show—the only radio talk show for pipe smokers and collectors. We broadcast weekly, every Tuesday at 8 pm eastern USA time and are available on nearly all podcast sites and apps. Listen on your computer, tablet, phone and even in the car! Our Featured Interview tonight is with Pipe Artisan Alex Florov. Alex is from Moscow, Russia and moved to the USA in 1992. His initial background was in restoring museum-quality antique furniture, and then as a model maker and prototype designer. He made his first pipe on a dare, then there was no turning back. Alex makes extremely high-quality, unique, artistic pipes. In “Pipe Parts”, Brian will recount the answers to the “Fast Five Final Questions” that were submitted by several attendees of The West Coast Pipe Show where he was also the guest speaker. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!
Tonight’s show is sponsored by,,, Missouri Meerschaum,, Cornell & Diehl, and Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector. The following link will launch a pop-up player. Alternatively, you can download the show in iTunes and other podcast sites and apps after the initial broadcast is complete here.
Pipe Maker Alex Florov and his wife, Vera
Hi Brian,
Finally, the fi-nale of the fast five. You did get the mileage out of the questions and some of the answers were interesting.
I know of Alex Florov and have seen this pipes. He makes some mighty fine pipes, just not my style. I like his philosophy of smoking ‘sentimental’ pipes.
Music – Pablo’s Reverie is a very nice piece.
One of my favorite classical pieces is the “New World Symphony” by Anton Dvorak, a pipe smoker. “Dvorak enjoyed smoking, and he often smoked, preferably a pipe. But his wife Anna would drive him out of the flat if he lit up his pipe, so he preferred to smoke cigarettes. The composer is known for an anecdotal remark he addressed to one of his students: “You don’t smoke? Then you’ll never be a composer. All composers have to smoke!”
Rant – You would be surprised at how many people can not perform basic mathematical calculations.
Great show, worth the wait.
Hi Brian, Enjoyed the interview, I am not familiar with Alex but took a look at his website and he does great work.I tend to smoke my sentimental pipes more often than my others.Loved the choice of music, very soothing.It amazes me that some people can’t figure out 50% off without the help of a sign, how do they survive?Great show.
This show was well worth the two-night wait.
What a treat! My friend, Alex Florov, as the guest. Your wonderful conversation, that highlighted his many passions, not the least of which is making incredible works of art, that are also magnificent smokers, was terrific. My favorite pipe is one that Alex made for me, that smoked perfectly from the very first bowl.
It is interesting that your music selection was a piece of classical music, as that is another of Alex’s passions. At our Chicago club meetings (and pretty much whenever we get together) that is almost all he and I discuss. You can imagine that Russian music and artists are high on his list.
I loved the music. However, I don’t think that was Casals playing. Although the piece, “Rêverie” was composed by Casals, I think that is Lluís Claret on cello, who worked closely with Pablo’s brother, Enric. But, the piece, by Casals, is beautiful.
I was at a McDonald’s, and my bill came to $4.78. I gave the cashier a five dollar bill and three pennies. She looked at me, then at the money, and again at me. Looking completely befuddled, she called over the manager to ask how to ring it up. At that point, I was sure she was gonna give me two dimes and a nickel as change.
Best Wishes for the New Year,
Nice show! Loved the interview. It was great to hear Alex Florov. I liked for instance his humor when he said that even if woken up by someone in the middle of the night he could repeat everything Bo Nordh told him in that first encounter!! I would love to have one of his Calla Lily pipes. I’m also sentimental while smoking some pipes, mainly the artisan’s and the very old ones.
Nice music selection. Keep listening it once again. Dino is right, this is Lluís Claret on the cello.
Rant – hahaha. I’m glad some people are like that, so I can laugh about it!! Haha.
Another interesting Pipe Parts segment.
My only communication with Alex Florov has been by email. This was some years ago when I was buying a lovely little pipe from him. I really like that pipe and it is still an excellent looking pipe.
Nice music selection.
Between Customers and Sales Clerks I am amazed there isn’t more gunfire in malls.
Hey Brian,
Will you be going to see the newest Disney movie when it comes out on Jan. 29?