Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 552

Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 552
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Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 552! Our featured interview tonight is with Portland Paul. This is the sixth in our series of interviews with “Journeymen Pipe Smokers” – guys that have been smoking pipes between five and 10 years. Paul is a professional musician currently in three bands and working on album number 15. One of the bands that he plays guitar and sings in is Cicero, which is a 90’s emo throw back trio. We will feature one of their songs in the music segment. Paul has been smoking a pipe since 2013. At the top of the show, Brian will have a tobacco review on McBaren HH Old Dark Fired Ready Rub. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

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Portland Paul
Portland Paul

Cicero on Bandcamp

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos, Peterson Pipes and TinBids. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.

We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

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2 Responses

  • Nice review of Old Dark Fired.
    I enjoyed the conversation with Paul. He seems a fun and energetic guy, and a good storyteller. His questions were quite pertinent, and your responses were very insightful.
    Paul’s tune with Cicero was really entertaining.
    Thanks for an always reliable and dependable show.
    See you in Chicago! I’ll be at my usual post, the Show Registration table, with Sue Bender. I hope listeners stop by and say hello.

  • A very enjoyable show. I thought Portland Paul was another guy from Portland who does a podcast, but it wasn’t. Enjoyable interview, nonetheless. Good back and forth between you guys. Could have done without all the “ers” and “uhs” but maybe I am being grumpy. It’s rare but it does happen. He had excellent questions for you to answer.
    Real good review of Old Dark Fired. It is a blend that I have enjoyed many times over the years.
