Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 427

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 427! On tonight’s show our featured guest is pipe maker Alexander Hasty. Alex started making pipes in 2011. He was initially self taught. After a few years of it as a hobby, and after finishing college, he decided it was what he wanted to do. He then went and spent time learning from Grant Batson. Alex is a full time pipe maker. We catch up with him from our interview from two years ago on his new workshop, and how he has progressed as a pipe maker. In our opening, “Pipe Parts” segment, Brian will do a sneak peek review of the coming release from Sutliff – Cringle Flake (Holiday Edition 2020).  Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

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Alexander Hasty
Alexander Hasty


The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for you—the pipe smoker and collector.

Alexander Hasty Interview

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1 Response

  • Fun show, cool to catch back up with previous guests. I was incredibly reluctant as you announced the music but that was absolutely lovely. Really odd outro, strange flash from the past.

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