Cornell & Diehl Tuskegee Airman Pipe Tobacco Review

In a word – WOW! I suggest you go out and buy as much as you can of Cornell & Diehl’s Tuskegee Airman right now. This is one of the best English blends I have ever smoked and I am going to try to buy all of it for myself. I just rented a U-Haul truck and I am on my way to Morganton, NC to Cornell & Diehl to fill up the truck with Tuskegee Airman. Ok, not really. I don’t want to be that selfish, but I will be visiting C&D in the near future, and I will be adding more Tuskegee Airman to my baccy stash. You should too.

Tuskegee Airman is quite rich tasting, but not cloying, and very smoky. Latakia lovers will find rapture with Tuskegee Airman. This is what pipe smoking is all about. The Turkish tobaccos probably add even more to the smoky aroma and flavor. While I was told this is a medium-English blend, to me it is full-bodied and packed with natural heavy tobacco taste. It is a perfect blend of Virginia, Perique, Turkish and Latakia tobaccos.

The tin aroma holds true to the taste. Flavors that come through are a great combination of spice, sweetness and smokiness. It even has a little bit of a sweet, spice aftertaste like carrot cake, banana spice cake and pumpkin pie. Tuskegee Airman could go well with a strong French coffee, and equally well with a barbeque or any smoked meat. I smoked it twice today. Once after breakfast of an egg sandwich and double-espresso, and then I had Mexican food for lunch and Tuskegee Airman came through again.

The tobacco is in a pressed cake form with little to no moisture. It easily crumbles and needs little to no rubbing out for filling your bowl with the simple "Three Step Method". It lights easily and stays lit with little effort. Rich billows of smoke and flavor are produced with little re-lighting required.

During the Chicago Pipe Show, I went up to Craig Tarlar at his booth to shake his hand and tell him I enjoy many of his tobacco blends. He asked me what I like. I blanked for a couple of seconds because I didn’t know which ones to answer (there’s so many). Then I thought of the last two I had smoked; Da Vinci and Kajun Kake. He got this "ah ha!" look on his face and handed me a tin of Tuskegee Airman, and boy am I ever grateful. I guess that was Craig’s way of saying if you like Da Vinci and Kajun Kake, then you will really like Tuskegee Airman, and he was right. Like Kajun Kake, I think this is another pipe tobacco that cigar smokers will enjoy too, although it doesn’t taste like a cigar like Kajun Kake does. I am putting Tuskegee Airman up there with some of my other favorites like Frog Morton, Maltese Falcon and SG Commonwealth.

A Look Inside the Tin at the Tuskegee Airman Cake
(Click for Larger Image)
Close-Up of the Cake of Virginia, Perique, Turkish and Latakia Tobaccos
(Click for Larger Image)

Brand: Cornell & Diehl
Tin Description: Cornell & Diehl pays tribute to America’s African American airmen with Tuskegee Airman, the second in their new series. A blend of Virginias, Perique, Turkish and Latakia is pressed to marry the flavors then sliced for easy packing.
Country of Origin: U.S.A.
Curing Group: Air Cured
Contents: Virginia, Perique, Turkish and Latakia
Cut: Crumble Cake
Packaging: 2 oz. Tin
Strength: Full
Flavoring: None
Taste: Full
Room Note: Tolerable
Recommendation: Highly Recommended

SPONSORED LINK: Cornell & Diehl Tuskegee Airman Pipe Tobacco – Click Here to Order Now!

SPONSORED LINK: Cornell & Diehl Tuskegee Airman Pipe Tobacco – Click Here to Order Now!


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10 Responses

  • If its as Good as you say Tuskegee Airmen will not only be one of my favorite movies but a favorite baccy as well
    I got a tin of this and Buffalo Soldier this week to try

  • Great review Kevin!
    I have some of this that you gave me in Chicago and I really need to start smoking it now. It sounds great!

  • Because of recent surgery,I can’t try this YET. But I am drooling over this & Buffalo Soldier. Craig has another coming out to honor the Black Marines.
    Can’t wait!!!!

  • One of these days I’ll be able to describe a blend as precisely and succinctly as you do. In the mean time I’ll keep smoking, thinking about it, and struggling to put my impressions into words. As for Tuskegee Airman, I think I’ll pass on it. Prominent Latakias and I don’t get along too well. Thanks for another great review; I think you just saved me 10 bucks.

  • Thanks for the review i love English blends and your review has me champing at the bit to try some.

  • Great review and I couldn’t agree more…tried this last night for the first time and was blown away!

  • I bought some @ the CORPS Show last year along with Montford Point and Buffalo Soldier..just have to open the tin…