CAO Cherry Bomb – Pipe Tobacco Reviews


By Bob Tate

CAO Cherry Bomb Tin


When I opened the tin and the aroma hit me, I heard a loud rumbling and then a crash. This guy had just busted through my wall!



The tin aroma smelled exactly like cherry Kool-Aid powder. The name Cherry Bomb is right as far as the tin aroma goes. It was a very strong cherry smell and although the tin description says there is vanilla, I smelled no vanilla at all. It was pure cherry. I detected no medicinal smell to the aroma that seems to accompany a lot of cherry flavored blends. It smelled quite good.

The moisture content was perfect for smoking with no drying time needed. I loaded up my pipe and proceeded to the charring light. On the charring light I was greeted by a pleasant cherry aroma and a moderate, non-medicinal, cherry taste. I settled in for the smoke to see where this blend would go.

At the start of the bowl, the cherry taste was very noticeable and pleasant. I said that the tin aroma smelled just like cherry Kool-Aid, but the taste reminds me a lot of cherry Jell-O. At the half way point of the bowl the cherry flavor is holding steady, but I still have not tasted any vanilla. From the mid-bowl point until the end of the bowl, the cherry flavor started to fade some, but it was still noticeable until the end. I never did taste any vanilla.

This is a very good cherry blend. It is one of the best cherry blends that I have smoked. It is a one dimensional smoke, but that is fine. I expect most aromatics to be one dimensional. If I am smoking a cherry blend, I expect it to taste like cherry from start to finish. It burned cool, dry, and didn’t bite me. It also didn’t leave a goopy mess in my pipe. It never got bitter or tasted like medicine (cherry cough syrup) like a lot of other cherry blends do.

If you like aromatics and are looking for a good cherry blend, I Recommend giving this a try.

CAO Cherry Bomb Pipe Tobacco


Brand: CAO
Blend: Cherry Bomb
Description: Vanilla & Cherry Black Cavendish
Country: Denmark
Cut: Ribbon
Tobaccos: Black Cavendish
Strength: Mild
Taste: Cherry
Room Note: Pleasant

CAO Cherry Bomb – Click Here to Order Now!

CAO Cherry Bomb Tin

CAO Cherry Bomb – Click Here to Order Now!


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