1st Iberian-American Tobacco Trade Fair, FIT

"It’s imperative that tobacco companies plan for new business models"

"Ecological tobacco is possible …

Barcelona, Spain – The organizers of the 1st "Iberian-American Tobacco Trade Fair, FIT", (April 1st to 3rd at Fira Cornellá, Barcelona, Spain) consider that the tobacco industry must undergo some serious restructurings in order to face the difficulties imposed by government restrictions.

The campaigns and anti-tobacco measures promoted by the public administration and private institutions are being very effective and, thus, it’s important that the tobacco companies plan and think of new business models to face the decrease of consumers, especially in the most developed countries.

The intention of the "Iberian-American Tobacco Trade Fair" is to encourage companies to debate the present situation and find solutions for the future. "We firmly believe that the strategy must include a fresh approach centered on specific actions that softens the harmful aspect attached to tobacco consumption," says Raúl Del Pino, head of communication for the fair. "One of the issues that we believe must be debated is the ecological cultivation of tobacco. It’s important to begin with the production chain. The present techniques of intense cultivation using pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers not only provoke serious health problems, as this is a product that is mostly inhaled, but it also wears down the fields and seriously harms the ecosystems."

Ecological tobacco is possible and, according to a study made by the technicians at the "Association for the Development of Alagon Valley" – "Asociación para el Desarrollo del Valle del Alagón (Adeval)", assures that ecological tobacco production could achieve the same yield and quality as that of traditional growth. Furthermore, the study also details that the production costs would be very similar in both cases, the preparation and cultivation almost the same, and the production of plants in floating trays, exterior or in greenhouses, would be made in the same manner as for traditional methods, though it would be necessary to use bigger trays and less alveolus. It also shows that the treatment and harvesting would continue to be done following the traditional system, though there would be a better result as for the harvesting of leaves and primings, apart from, in order to use a biological method, a strict technical assistance is necessary.

The increase of tobacco brands "without additives" show new trends of consumption among smokers, in order to minimize the risks associated with tobacco. It is estimated that there is an important amount of smokers that would be willing to pay a superior price per pack if they knew that, apart from not containing additives, it’s also an organic tobacco.

During the celebration of the fair, this weekend, those and other issues will be discussed in order to face the future, among all involved parties from the tobacco industry, both Spanish and international.

The 1st "Iberian-American Tobacco Trade Fair, FIT", dedicated to the tobacco industry and related products, will take place at the venue Fira de Cornellá (Barcelona, Spain) from Friday April 1st to Sunday April 3rd.

Further information at: http://www.feriadeltabaco.com/


2 Responses

  • Well, this can’t be anything but good for the tobacco industry. Organic growing methods have proved successful, and have been well received in other markets, and I expect that tobacco growers can look forward to similar success.

  • I think and I hope that this is the future direction that tobacco needs to follow. I also hope that some of the current legislation that is starting to allow smoking in casinos, bars and smokeshops continues along the lines of common sense. This may be one of the best times ever to promote the positive aspect of smoking.

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