How many of you can relate to this?
admin Smoking a Pipe Right Now Staff member Nov 16, 2008 8,912 5,921 St. Petersburg, FL Aug 13, 2012 #1 How many of you can relate to this?
rlunderhill Can't Leave Jan 10, 2012 407 0 Aug 13, 2012 #3 I did the same thing. The cartoon says it all. Made me grin for sure. :clap:
oldredbeard Part of the Furniture Now Jul 20, 2012 628 1 Aug 13, 2012 #5 OMG, I can so relate. LOL :clap:
vegasblue Might Stick Around Jan 23, 2012 58 0 Aug 13, 2012 #11 The bad part is when the flame goes out your left with a hot dog jerky kind of thing where your tongue used to be.
The bad part is when the flame goes out your left with a hot dog jerky kind of thing where your tongue used to be.
spartan Lifer Aug 14, 2011 2,963 7 Aug 13, 2012 #12 Just once. Learned really fast and it never happened again.
crk69 Part of the Furniture Now Jun 30, 2012 751 1 Aug 13, 2012 #13 Yep, definantly been there before....
cortezattic Lifer Nov 19, 2009 15,147 7,642 Chicago, IL Aug 13, 2012 #14 Like everyone else, I've been there too. Consider it a rite of passage -- can't get your pipe smoker's card any other way! :lol:
Like everyone else, I've been there too. Consider it a rite of passage -- can't get your pipe smoker's card any other way! :lol:
havanarick Starting to Get Obsessed Jan 4, 2012 237 0 Texas Aug 13, 2012 #16 I can relate, great cartoon! :clap:
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,316 67 Sarasota Florida Aug 13, 2012 #18 Been there done that. Funny cartoon, thanks Kevin.Luckily it has been a while since I needed to stick my tongue in an ice bucket,
Been there done that. Funny cartoon, thanks Kevin.Luckily it has been a while since I needed to stick my tongue in an ice bucket,
baronsamedi Lifer May 4, 2011 5,688 6 Dallas Aug 13, 2012 #19 kennyjo, that's probably the guy who scorched that Savinelli in your picture.