Women Pipe Smokers

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Nov 24, 2012
Before anyone gets carried away.... I am just curious because I havent seen a post from a woman and am wondering about women in general with pipes. To be 100% transparent here, I'm not looking for a date, I'm not looking to meet anyone, I'm not looking for PMs from any of you, I'm just curious.
The reason for all of the disclaimers is because I asked a similar question on a Ducati SportBike forum and it too was innocent but it actually played a role in my divorce. :|



Jul 16, 2012
I know about a 1/2 dozen female pipe smokers on other boards, and they are scattered across the globe.
Run some totally made-up numbers for yourself. Assume that 1 in 1000 pipe smokers participate on these boards, and 1 in 1000 pipe smokers are women, it would be 1/1000000 for a woman to be posting here. I'm not suggesting that these are accurate numbers, just trying to give some idea that there are not THAT many pipe-toting girls out there, and not all pipe smokers post on this or any other board.



May 22, 2012
Pretty sure there was a survey done here which listed how many female pipe smokers there were. Was some small number of like 3%.



Dec 18, 2012
I love my pipes! I come here and read quite often. The forums are very informative and entertaining.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
I have read the opinions of one lady who posts here who says she and many other woman feel they need to hide the fact that twy are a woman online. Not just for smoking a pipe but everywhere they go. Even on this forum there have been people who send private messeges that would be embarrassing if read to the public. It only takes one ass hat to run off an entire sub group.
Edit: just thought I should mention, I know two females in my area that smoke, but neither go online or much of anything let alone for pipe forums. So they are out there!



Sep 14, 2011
Welcome aboard,Bluestar.
There was quite a discussion about this topic several months ago, including extensive comments from a couple of women who were active here at that time. One thing that they did comment on was the asinine treatment women are frequently subjected to in predominantly male forums.
I have known several female pipe smokers over my years in pipe forums. Pipemama posts on Pipechat. Yahoo Pipesmokers2 had Gae and Meerorbriar. Those two ladies were active in forming Ladies of the Briar on Yahoo, a women only pipe group. I've actually had the pleasure of meeting Meer. Gae's in Oz - she has done reviews on tobaccoreviews.com. Both great folks.

Aug 14, 2012
I just sold a pipe to a southern woman. The most lady pipesmokers I have seen in one place was the 1958 National Pipesmoker's Contest. It was held in a huge barn in rural PA. There were quite a few women participating.



Dec 18, 2012
Thank you all for your kind welcomes!
This woman's take on our hobby is; the world would be a much better place if more women indulged.
Now a disclaimer. I was the little girl in pigtails and a frilly dress with skinned knees covered in dirt being a daredevil. I took auto mechanics instead of home econmics. I would rather my husband buy me a new rod and reel or Sig Sauer than diamonds or flowers. Until recently, most of my adult life I worked in a very male oriented career field. Don't get me wrong I love my spikey heels, fancy clothes, and perfume too, but all of my female friends know not to invite me on their shopping trips and a manicure would be wasted on me as I will have my hands in the dirt as soon as I get home. So I guess you could say I am not a typical female. I do not know any other female pipe smokers.
“Nowhere in the world will such a brotherly feeling of confidence be experienced as amongst those who sit together smoking their pipes.” ~ Doctor Barnstein.
If women could/would drop their guard and be open minded while sitting around a fire while trying out a new blend, I believe a lot of those little things they tend to get worked up about would not even be a passing thought. If they could experience a touch of the "brotherhood" that men do, there would be a giant change in the world.
The great philosophers are men. Most of them were pipe smokers. Coincidence? I think not!
How could anyone feel more content or more thoughtful than when taking a slow steady draw from your favorite pipe packed with a delicious blend?



Part of the Furniture Now
welcome to the party bluestar

I know a couple of female, occasional pipe smokers. There all "friends" of mine who when I smoke an aromatic will take the occasional puff on my pipe because it smells good. They are not collectors and getting them to smoke anything other than a CAO or similar tobacco would be impossible. But there also full time nail smokers so.

I also know one occasionally female pipe smoker. I don't know if that counts.

Being out here in West By God Virginia, I've got my eyes open for a nice pretty farm girl with a corncob full of latakia. :lol:



Can't Leave
Sep 15, 2012
My wife will take a few puffs here and there but....hopefully she will be using the new pipe she gets on Christmas morning and we can sit on the front porch together this spring.



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2012
North Idaho
I think Kevin touched on this when he was on NPR on the 12th. I think he said something like 97% or 98% of pipe smokers today were men. Or it was on one of the last 2 podcasts... Damn, I can't remember now. :puffpipe:



Can't Leave
Nov 1, 2012
Well said bluestar . I have an aunt who smokes a pipe . Sadly , she has been poked fun at for years because of it . I socked quite a few neighborhood boys for poking fun at her . She loves her morning and evening pipe . Smokes Graybow,s and Petersons .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 16, 2012
I often have this conversation with my fishing buddies. How strange bluestar pipes and fishing! Imo their response is the reason why women stay away from male dominated environments. The whole "cor yeah a good looking girl to look at while fishing" it would put me off too!

It's great when I do see women partaking. What I have found and this ain't sexist is women often have a different take and if you listen you can learn that bit more.

What is nice and refreshing is that it seems the people I've met in my short time on here seem to be open minded like myself which will surely make for a happy environment for all.

Wow that EMP does something to me lol



Jun 27, 2012
Welcome Blue and Seamus.
I've seen more women smoke cigars then pipes. Now that I think of it I've only seen one woman who dipped. Miss Ada I always called her even though she's a great great grandma. She was good people. She was fond of feeding people or threatening to shoot them. Sometimes at the same time. Good lady.



Nov 24, 2012
I think wnghanglow is on to something here. It was the same with the sportbike forums. You had a few females and like BlueStar, they were pretty dang cool, were shooters, etc and frankly, it drove the dudes wild. So most of them were hammered with PMs and "comments". Then one day one female rider was sick of it and posted a pic of her going around a corner on a track with her knee down (something 90% of the men on the forum have never achieved) with her middle finger up in the air! yes she one-handed a knee drag. That was the last time anyone ever disrespected her for being an attractive girl who happened to be a sportkbike rider, shooter, could go toe-to-toe with the dudes on bike knowledge but..... who had some serious skills too. Welcome Blue.




Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
My grandmother smoked cigars in her pipe, damn that 4ft 11inch women could outwork 2 men, had a green thumb like nothing else, i inherited that from her I used to kid I could dig a hole and throw newspaper in it and grow a tree LOL The old cajun



Nov 24, 2012
O.Cajun - what do you mean she smoked cigar in her pipe. I am imagining a big ol long cigar sticking up from the pipe hole.

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