My wife really loves Molto Dolce, more correct is that she loves the way it makes my beard smell.
But, the whole house seems to enjoy me smoking a straight Virginia, some VaPers, as long as they aren't too cigar-y. Penzance and GLP's Ashbury get a thumbs up for being very incense-y in aroma. But, really, I smoke whatever I want at this point. Once every blue moon my wife will tell me something or other is burning her eyes, and I'll open a window... but keep smoking. She is really the best ever. I am really lucky. When we first met, she was an extremist tobacco-nazi. Her father had died of lung cancer. It took patience, but she was worth waiting for. Now, she can join me at a pipe show and talk tobaccos with the best of them. But, she has no interest at all in actually smoking a pipe, herself.