What method do you use to Break in a new Pipe?

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Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2010
Hello !!! I have herd and read so many different opinions on this subject and some of theme are just crazy ( in my opinion) like fill the bowl with alcohol and lite it up!hummmm!! not sure i would do this, any way i think the breaking in is very important, so some expert advise from the more experienced fellow pipe smokers would be great!!!




Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I wouldn't do the alcohol thing, it might damage the briar.

I use the half pack or less method.

Start with half a bowl or less if it is a deep bowl and over the course of several bowls gradually work your way toward the top. This is easy on the briar and will start a good cake. And, one needs to be careful not to let any moisture develop in the early going, I believe that is counter productive to a starting a good cake during the break in period.
Good string Joe.



Feb 1, 2010
Buy it, pack it tight with free tobacco at the shop, light it and roll up the stem into the window of the car with the bowl sticking outside and drive home going faster and faster until the bowl glows red hot. Red hot is the visual indicator the briar is breaking in properly. When you get home, empty it out and inspect for damage. If it survived, you have a wonderfully broken in pipe. If it didn't, the pipe is defective. Return it to the store and start the process all over again.



Jun 1, 2010
A lot depends on the pipe. Many, if not most, of the better factory pipes don't really require breaking in (a Savinelli or Peterson, for example).
If it's raw briar inside (a cheaper pipe, or a fancy handmade pipe), then start with 1/3 to 1/2 bowl for the first few times you smoke it. Don't let it get too hot, and let it dry out well before each time you do smoke it (say, for 24 hours) and you should be fine. You'll be slowly building up a cake.
I see those recommendation to do all sorts of things to break in a pipe on the Internet (using honey is a common one), but I've never done any of them in my life other than be kind and gentle to a new pipe until it's "conditioned" a little.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2010
I've been breaking in new pipes by smoking half bowls and gradually getting fuller. Probably over about 10 bowls I'd feel completely confident in smoking that pipe with any amount.
***newbie note***

two new pipes I've been breaking in have been naked briar bowls rather than the pre carbon coated bowls, and I have learned so much breaking these in just by being able to acutally see the cake develop. I don't think I've noticed any difference in taste, but clearly I'm getting better at packing and burning evenly. It's made me more confident too, rather than just feeling like I'm winging the break-in.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
LMAO @ Hauntedmyst!
If a pipe already has a carbon lining in the bowl, it does not need to be broken in. Having a carbon lining has nothing to do with the cost of the pipe. In my experience, most inexpensive pipes have a carbon lining. I have had Savinelli's with bare wood and not a carbon lining in the bowl. I actually prefer bare wood bowls and I don't really care for the carbon linings.
I just load my pipe to the top like normal and smoke all the way down.
Regardless of which method you choose to use (just don't use Hauntedmyst's method, lol) the most important thing to remember is to smoke very slowly until you get it broken it. Excessive heat is a pipes #1 enemy, especially during break in period.



Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2010
Gentlemen!!! appreciate all of you for going the extra mile with all the details, advise and good humor! on this matter.

have a great weekend and pleasant smoke !!!!

Jun 21, 2010
To properly break in a cob, the best method is to dress in WWII period General MacArthur uniform, and stare thoughtfully at the horizon!



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
LOL @ hauntedmyst and 112mercerstreet!
Although I think there is value to these methods, and I admire you guys for doing them, I just load my pipes and smoke them.
I don't do anything to break them in, and I don't follow the rule of designating certain pipes to certain types of tobaccos either.
I just grab whichever pipe I feel like smoking and whatever tobacco I feel like smoking at the time.
I'm not advocating or dis-advocating anything. Just stating what I do.
I just smoke my pipes and I am happy with that.
Regarding the honey coating method, I was surprised to find out about a year and a half ago that new Dunhills come with a pamphlet that actually describes and recommends the honey coating method for breaking in.
I tried it, but actually thought it made the pipe smoke hotter, so I blew it off.

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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
Do Dr. Grabows have a carbon lining? I'm assuming they do as they don't require breaking in. I recently bought one as part of an estate sale and it believes to be unsmoked but I can't tell for sure. Also, thanks for the posting guys I will def. do the half bowl method when my new Sav gets here next week. Keep the knowledge flowing fellas I appreciate all the tips!



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
To answer my own question, they are pre smoked with tobacco on machines to break them in.



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2010
Longs, South Carolina
At Smokingpipes.com Adam, Eric, Sykes and I sit around smoking pipes all day. New pipes, estate pipes, pipes from every country, all kinds of tobacco, pretty much all day. It's good times.
This is how we all break in new pipes: We just smoke them. A bunch. Sure, Adam likely has some tricks for breaking in different briar, but ultimately, with but with so much to be done in the day to update our site and help customers, we just don't have the patience for smearing pipe bowls with honey. That and we would destroy our computers pretty fast with 'jam hands'.
If you are smoking a super-junky pipe that's stamped simply with MEXICO or RUSSIA, it may be filled with so much putty that perhaps smearing the bowl with a natural glue shield would be a good way to smoke it without 'burning out'.
But there are so many good pipes being made today. In my opinion, you break in a pipe when it's been smoked enough to smoke well. If it smokes well it was made well. Otherwise you've an excuse to buy a new pipe.



Mar 27, 2010
I simply buy it, pack it, light it, and then smoke it… let it rest and then repeat. :puffy:
The rest time is to be determined by the number of pipes you have in your rotation and just how bad you want to smoke.
Now I’m sure the half fill, and or coat with honey methods work just fine, in fact I have tried both many years back but due to a lack of patience I gave up on both and just smoked on.
IMO… Bob is spot on with his post… Take your time smoke it slow and enjoy.



Can't Leave
Apr 9, 2011
Cheviot Ohio
Kevin wrote Although I think there is value to these methods, and I admire you guys for doing them, I just load my pipes and smoke them.
I don't do anything to break them in, and I don't follow the rule of designating certain pipes to certain types of tobaccos either.
I just grab whichever pipe I feel like smoking and whatever tobacco I feel like smoking at the time.
I'm not advocating or dis-advocating anything. Just stating what I do.
I just smoke my pipes and I am happy with that.

And I agree with him. I've smoked briars, metals, meerschaums, and mostly cobs in the 50 years I've been piping, and no matter the pipe, I pack it and smoke it. We all have our rituals, but I save mine for cleaning my pipes. I'm of the opinion that many of the rituals and routines of pipe smoking go back so long and have been twisted about and copied to the point that it has made it impossible for some smokers to really enjoy a smoke, since they're so worried about doing something wrong. I never belived in any of the

"rules" and enjoy every pipe I light.

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