What Is With All the Links To Threads Instead Of Answers?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I have seen so many people linking to previous threads instead of just answering a persons question. If I ask a question I don't want someone to just throw me a link that could be 2-7 years old. I want an answer from this exact period in time from a live person and not some old thread. If you have the time to find these links then maybe you have the time to answer the question.
I believe that when someone especially a newbie asks a question they deserve to have their question answered in real time. Please show respect to the people asking the questions. If you were to search any of my old posts, you will not see me linking to old threads, and I believe I have never done it even once.
Now you may be sitting there reading my post and say to yourself, what a jag off cigrmaster is. Who is he to tell us how to post. He hasn't been around in a long time and he comes here spewing shit like he is someone special. Ok, I get it, you are totally entitled to your opinion and I will always respect that. I am however being serious this one time and honestly feel that anyone who takes the time to ask a question, definitely deserves a real time response. Back a few years ago we had a poster by the name of Roth. He answered every newbie question you could ever think of and he literally posted 10,000 posts in a single year if memory serves. He took the time to pay attention to the new guys and he made this site better by doing so. Without new blood this site will not flourish, we need the newbies and even though their questions have been asked hundreds of times, they deserve an answer not a link.
Feel free to disagree, you won''t hurt my feelings. I know some questions have been asked literally thousands of time. I honestly believe we are doing a disservice to the newbie by just linking and not answering the questions. There is no interaction, no personal touch, nothing to make the newbie feel welcome. I have noticed there is a big dip in the amount of people posting on this site right now, maybe if we as a group were to give the newbies a more personal interaction, we could grow the site more. There are only 12 people logged in right now and before I went on my hiatus there would probably be at least 25 people logged in at this time of day. Maybe one of the reasons there are fewer people is because of the linking to threads and not real time answers, just a thought.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
You're right, Harris, and I'm as guilty as anyone else. The forums should be all about personal interaction.

Henceforth, I'll post a link if it supports the conversation -- but the conversation takes priority.

Thanks for the wake-up, I really hadn't thought about the impersonal nature of a cold link.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Harris, I get your point. But it isn't that difficult for someone to do a search rather than ask, for the 11,000th time, "How Do I Clean My Pipe?". Lots of information readily available through the wonders of the Internet.
Now if someone has a question that hasn't been answered before, or has made the minimal effort it takes to do a search and hasn't found what he's looking for or finds the information contradictory, I'm all for helping out. But some topics have been done to death, the corpse pulled from the ground and atomized.



Mar 7, 2013



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 30, 2017
Some people just like to talk tobacco. My wife gets bored and my dog doesn't really seem to have much to say when I share my thoughts on a new blend. Personal answers lead to more questions which lead to conversations which lead to sworn enemies.
So how do I clean my pipe?



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
jesse, I have tried to use the search function on this site plenty of times and it sucks. I tried using it the other day to see if it had gotten any better and I got no hits on the question I asked, no I don't remember the question and if I do I will send it to you to search for me. I have a word document about my procedure to clean my pipes. When someone asks the question, I go into my word file, copy and paste it and then post it. Nice and easy and the person gets a real time answer. Since I have been back I have posted it on the appropriate thread.
edit, I just saw the docs question about how to clean my pipes. Here is the answer.
My procedure for cleaning my pipes is as follows. I let my pipes cool over night then break the pipe down. I will take one or 2 fluffy cleaners depending on size of the bowl and wipe the inside of the bowl and then blow through the shank. I then take either one or 2 brislte cleaners again depending on the size of the shank, double them over and run them throught the shank, first twisting them and then running them back and forth. I will continue with the bristle cleaners until they come out clean. I then take one or two bristle cleaners and run them through the stem. I then take one or two fluffy cleaners and run those through the stem. Many of my pipes have stems that can take two cleaners and some of my pipes have a shank diameter greater than 4mm which can handle two cleaners doubled over through the shanks.
For deep cleanings I use Everclear, shank brush, bristle and fluffy cleaners along with Obidisian Stem Oil and pretty much do the same as above. I have never or will I ever use anything that is not drinkable on my pipes. Isopropyl alcohol has never touched one of my pipes. I also never rub the inside of my bowls with any type of alcohol. When needed I will take a pipe knife and use that to scrap and even out my cake.



May 25, 2012



Mar 7, 2013
jesse, I have tried to use the search function on this site plenty of times and it sucks.
Use Google instead.
Simply follow the terms you are looking for with site:pipesmagazine.com
It will focus The GogglePower of Sergey specifically on this site.



May 25, 2012
I agree with what you're saying. I think sometimes, too, people are in a hurry/on their phone, whatever, and they just post a quick link to be helpful.



Oct 10, 2013
Search here, Harris: Pipesmagazine Forums Custom Search
Now, about links: Answers are seldom simple or one dimensional. Often times, it takes the evolution of an entire thread to answer a question. Often times, the question at hand has already been answered far better in a previous thread than I can summarize in a single response. Sometimes, those threads contain photos, graphics or (G_d forbid) links that go further to the point.
Sometimes, links are given out of sheer laziness.
I get your point about forums being about the personal, the interaction. I'd rather have good information (when possible), than a pat on the head.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
I get it.
But, also, back when I was a complete newb (Not long ago. I still don't know very much, and nearly nothing about pipes or tobacco) I put in a lot of time searching online and searching this forum to find answers to my questions, rather than making a new thread every time I had a question. Most times I found an answer to my problem.
Yes, by all means ask questions, but feel free to do a bit of research on your own. The internets are full of good answers already, and I think figuring some things out myself is part of the fun.
It's a fine line, and it is important to keep the forums active and personal, and there are no dumb questions.
Now...about those pipe cleaners...which ones should...oh nevermind.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 30, 2017
Thanks for the info cigrmaster. Do you think a deep clean about once a year on a pipe smoked once a day is about right?



If a thread has valuable information and thorough well-thought out answers to questions then it should be re-posted. I sometimes can't answer questions any better than they've already been answered. Otherwise, I try to answer the question. Unfortunately, I'm kind of dumb and don't have many answers.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
jesse, I have tried to use the search function on this site plenty of times and it sucks.
Agreed, because we're too lazy to put tags in the space provided. Which is why I just do a Google search using pipesmagazine followed by the topic, and I always come up with a bunch of stuff.
I have a word document about my procedure to clean my pipes. When someone asks the question, I go into my word file, copy and paste it and then post it. Nice and easy and the person gets a real time answer.
Harris, that's cheating. You're giving a canned response and passing it off as fresh? Do you really believe that "placing your clay pipe in the fireplace" is up to date?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 30, 2017
So in 25 years when a new pipe smoker logs in for the first time for some info there will be no humans left? Just endless threads of links to links to links to...JimInks?



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
stick, BJ Long is the best pipe cleaners money can buy. I have tried most out there years ago and have found none better than BJ Long. I use their Bristled and Soft both tapered.
Dr, I do a deep clean on a pipe after about 15 bowls through it. I don't use any kind of time frame. If you are smoking the same pipe everyday you are not giving the pipe time to dry out. I will smoke one pipe only once during a day and then let it dry out for at least 2 days usually 3 before using it again. I learned a long time ago that there is nothing worse than a dirty pipe to screw up the taste of a good tobacco. Some may consider my system to be a bit overboard but it works for me. Everyone has their own system so use what you feel is best. I order pipe cleaners by the hundreds and as stated above, only use BJ Long.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
jesse, lolol. I actually have two word documents that I post when needed. My cleaning procedure and my list of flakes that I keep in stock. Everything else out of my gaping maw is original and fresh.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Links are good. New replies are good. I think it's the respondant's choice. Links which contain "great" responses from some no longer here can be invaluable. A lot of knowledge and experience has come and gone over the years. Why let that experience die away. Links are often times a very good response.

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