Darwin, I guess I'm missing the importance of your question. As everyone knows Porsche is a German automobile company known for their highly engineered, high-performance, high quality cars. They have turned the Porsche name into a brand to be licensed and used on other high quality products. On the other hand Porsche Design Smoking Accessories is a Dutch company who happens to make uniquely designed & engineered smoking pipes. Maybe blackhat84 can tell us where he found this picture but it is obviously meant to poke fun at the design & engineering aspects of both those companies. Had someone licensed the names of Chief Aircraft or Rolls Royce to make smoking pipes I would have instantly thought of RC aircraft & aircraft engines when looking at the picture.
Never the less, in the spirit of making everyone happy let me edit my OP. Since I can no longer do it above I will do it by copy & paste here:
"That's the engine from an RC AIRCRAFT or car missing the piston & head, the exhaust manifold, and carburetor."