I shared most of this previously as a comment in another thread, but thought it would be worth creating a separate post, as I think the information is of interest to many.
Beginning sometime around April 2019, STG will resume shipping the most popular Peterson blends. The following comes from Leonard, an admin on the ThisPipeLife tobacco forum. He is an employee of Scandinavian Tobacco Group and he confirms that this list is official.
Here are his two relevant posts:
Beginning sometime around April 2019, STG will resume shipping the most popular Peterson blends. The following comes from Leonard, an admin on the ThisPipeLife tobacco forum. He is an employee of Scandinavian Tobacco Group and he confirms that this list is official.
Here are his two relevant posts:
I followed up asking him to confirm that this answer is “from the horse’s mouth” and some details about distribution. Here’s Leonard’s reply:Good news, Old Dublin made the list. Below is the total portfolio. Any that got cut are still being manufactured for other countries, so could potentially come back in the future. I can assure you the volume for the items that got cut were minuscule.
Peterson 3P's Plug Tobacco 50g
Peterson Balkan Delight Tobacco 50g
Peterson Connoisseurs Choice Tobacco 50g
Peterson De Luxe Mix Tobacco 50g
Peterson Hyde Park Tobacco 50g
Peterson Irish Dew Tobacco 5 x 40g
Peterson Irish Flake Tobacco 50g
Peterson Irish Oak Tobacco 50g
Peterson Irish Whiskey Tobacco 50g
Peterson Old Dublin Tobacco 50g
Peterson Sherlock Holmes Tobacco 50g
Peterson Sunset Breeze Tobacco 50g
Peterson Sweet Killarney Tobacco 50g
Peterson University Flake Tobacco 50g”
To PappyJoe's point, in this case, I am the horse (I've been called worse). As far as distribution, I would hope that tobacconists who had previously been ordering would do so again and we are certainly getting the same questions regarding when and what will return from tobacconists. Really it's up to the retailer. Our sales force will be out there pushing it once we're back in distribution (should be around April). Certainly the online retailers will carry everything we have.