So after a long wait my pouch of Condor finally arrived yesterday along with my two bantam falcon bowls from the lads across the pond at mysmokingshop. Ok...... first impressions...... I opened the pouch to transfer the tobacco to a jar and the first thing that hit me was the smell..... I was very confused!!! I have a lot of virginia tobaccos but the only thing I could compare this to was it smelled just like a freshly opened tin of Copenhagen!!! I took the jar next door to a co-worker and told him to smell my new tobacco and his immediate response was "You can smoke Cope?!?!". I was a little unnerved but fortunately I'm a Copenhagen fan so I figured what the hell, at worst I'll be smoking Cope flavor tobacco, so I loaded a bowl up for the drive home. It was a little moist but not to bad and loaded it up in my trusty Yello-Bole Pug and fired it up. Off the bat I had good smoke and a nice taste, no Copenhagen, and found it to be quite tasty without being overwhelming. Not the regular grassy taste I normally find in my red cake or Capstan but still very good. Through the bowl I had very little trouble keeping it lit, it smoked very cool with zero bite, and finished off in a fine grey ash.
Condor didn't let me down and was exactly what the fellas all speak of. A good and tasty smoke and could easily be an all day smoke and while appreciate the deep love other have of this blend for me it was just an enjoyable smoke. I won't be ordering more as this 50g pouch cost me about $45 once all the fees and such were settled I would highly recommend this to anyone traveling across the pond and wondering what to smoke. Grab a pouch, kick back, and enjoy the Condor experience.
Condor didn't let me down and was exactly what the fellas all speak of. A good and tasty smoke and could easily be an all day smoke and while appreciate the deep love other have of this blend for me it was just an enjoyable smoke. I won't be ordering more as this 50g pouch cost me about $45 once all the fees and such were settled I would highly recommend this to anyone traveling across the pond and wondering what to smoke. Grab a pouch, kick back, and enjoy the Condor experience.