stem on MM Freehand corn cob pipe

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 7, 2011
what stem comes on the MM freehand pipe? mine seems much nicer then the basic plastic stem that comes on the others. Is it a nicer/different stem?

Thanks, been wondering.

happy smoking!!



Might Stick Around
Feb 17, 2011
Take a look at their web site ( ) , it will show you all the stems that are available when you order from them. Nice people on the other end of the telephone to help you with your order, it's more fun to order by telephone than over the internet, they sound like they are as excited taking your order as you are placing it.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
"Cobs? Nooooooooooooo"
I felt the same way until I got 2 cobs a couple of months ago. I am amazed at how well they smoke. There are a lot of cob guys on this site and that's why I took the plunge. I'm happy that I did. They are very utilitarian when you want to try an unfamiliar blend and don't want to put your briar at risk. The MM's are well suited for this and don't seem to "ghost".

So, I'm a believer and thought I never would be. This old dog is happy he learned before it was too late.

Now I want to order a Forever Stem to enhance the experience. Who knew?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
I think Cobs are great tools for trying new tobaccos.

But i would toss out those stems and invest on forever stems. Can be costly but they're forever (i.e. LIFETIMEEEEE)


NOTE: Driving+Lighting+smoking=Burnt corn cob rims :(



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL

You ought to try a cob. I have, and I find them wanting in several respects, but like papipeguy says,

"They are very utilitarian when you want to try an unfamiliar blend and don't want to put your briar at risk."


(Just don't do it in public.)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
I did it in public and actually got complements from waitresses and some ladies.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
I think forever stems are nice but sort of ruin the whole intentions... cost effectiveness. LOL

I'd give up a few briars I have before I'd let a cob I already own go.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Get one or two forever stems and use them for all your cobs, the stems that come with the cobs last me a week before they split in half, without forever stems (or any sturdy replacement stem really) cobs would ultimately turn out more expensive than any other pipe I own -- or could possibly afford for that matter.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2010
Newberry, SC
I have to wonder how you can ruin a cob stem in a week. Granted they can take a lot of abuse; more than I'd subject my briars to. But a stem a week I'd say is more wanting to be destructive than anything else. My oldest MM cob is pushing 26 years I think and it's got the original shank and stem with No cracks or looseness.

In fact all my cobs have the original stem but one. That one I accidentally left on the fender of my tractor and it fell off. before I thought of it again I had come around the circle nad ran over it. LMAO



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 20, 2011
Two questions:
1) @shotokun16 what color are the forever stems on your cobs you pictured above? They are very nice.
2) Are forever stems non-filtered? ... I would like to purchase a diplomat mm corn cob but they're filtered, I would like mine to be non-filtered.



Oct 2, 2010
Hey Sir Bogglesworth....You don't have to put up with those filters!...Simply remove the stem, throw away the filter, replace stem, enjoy smoke with open draw.... :clap:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
Two questions:
1) @shotokun16 what color are the forever stems on your cobs you pictured above? They are very nice.
2) Are forever stems non-filtered? ... I would like to purchase a diplomat mm corn cob but they're filtered, I would like mine to be non-filtered.
‘Spear’ Style Tortoise

Lucite Stem

2 3/4 Inch (BENT)
Standard Tortoise

Lucite Stem 3" (STRAIGHT)
ALl of the stems are capable of carrying filters.



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
I'm quite a fan of corncobs, having something like 200+ I've collected over the years !

Most of them are unsmoked, from 8 or 9 different manufacturers and nearly every generation of corncob pipe production. I have cobs from the late 1800's, 1910, 20's 30's 40' right up to present production.

What I can say is there used to be a LOT of competition to make better cobs. But over the years, all of the competition folded and was bought out by Missouri Meerschaum.

What they make today doesn't hold a candle to what was made in the heyday of everyone trying to outdo one another.

I think the best cobs made were from the 50's to the 70's, when the quality of raw materials was better than before, but the old school craftsmanship and spirit of competition was still at its zenith.

In my opinion, the freehands they make today are some of the nicest cobs being made, but they dont compare to the old freehands with corncob stems and an actual burnished finish instead of just stain. The stems are still high quality though, and should last just like the stems on any decent briar.

My favorite tobacco in a Freehand is the C&D burley flakes, to take advantage of the tall bowl and the harmony of good old burley in a corncob pipe.

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