Peck's Magical Smoking Pipe

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Dec 24, 2012
Some time ago SP posted a barely smoked Larry Roush apple estate for a fantastic price and I instantly jumped on it, notwithstanding my reservations on the pipe's visual attributes.
The shaping of this pipe is odd - if it were flesh coloured, you would be forgiven for confusing it with a nutsack.
However, I have never been one to be vain, and I had to jump on this pipe notwithstanding that I wasn't in love with the shaping. The price was simply too good to pass up.
When the pipe arrived I was stunned to see the chamber. If this thing had seen any more than one smoke I would be shocked. It was simply in pristine condition.
So I lit that puppy up - and some aged Wessex Gold Brick was the combustible material of choice for that inaugural smoke.
The thing smoked perfectly. I mean absolutely effortlessly. And since I received the pipe, I have burned all manner of VA flakes in her, and every smoke has been nothing short of perfect, with the tobacco burning majestically down to white ash with nary a relight needed.
And the bowl just never gets hot even when I lose control and spiral into a puffing frenzy.
And the pipe is incredibly comfortable too. The stem is wonderful and the pipe hangs as comfortably as any pipe I have ever tried.
So, this Larry Roush apple -- this red-headed step-child of the briar world -- has become my magical pipe.
It is to the point where I am truthfully crestfallen when I finish a bowl in this pipe. I become sad because I know it will be a few days before I can smoke it again.
Some may call it ugly, and I won't even dispute that, but I would cut a sizeable check for 10 more like it if Larry showed up at my door today.
Anyone else have a magical smoking pipe?






Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 8, 2014
I have an ugly Aldo Velini A pipe that was $40 new - It is not the size I like , not the shape I like ( not a single panel on it ) and not exactly a top tier brand even for factory pipes. This pipe delivers a perfect smoke each Saturday morning and when I go on vacation it can be smoked for 2 days and still not sour. That being said it would not be mistaken for a nutsack so it has that going for it.
I say smoke your brown nutsack / dungball with pride Peck . But I will still openly mock it on the pipechat , knowing that I am vastly outgunned by you in wit and will suffer the consequences.



Dec 14, 2013
You're right... that pipe is freaking UGLY!
Best you send it to me so that it doesn't cause any future embarrassment to you.



Might Stick Around
Oct 15, 2013
Larry Roush makes incredible smoking pipes but they do have certain organic look to them. I actually like the look of that pipe and the band is a perfect touch. Enjoy it! Magical smoking pipes don't come along often.



Jan 10, 2013
I Actually like the look of this one. Glad she brings you so much joy peck!



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I like the looks of the pipe, wedding band and all. After all, if you shell out for a high end pipe, you are kind of married to it. (love, honor, and respect it) But by all means enjoy smoking it, as is your due.

However,if you think the bowl looks like a nutsack, what do you think the stem is supposed to be? :mrgreen:



Dec 22, 2013
New York
I think its rather interesting. I wouldn't buy one personally but that being said there is a pipe style for everyone out there - enjoy smoking it Peck



Oct 18, 2013
Not that ugly ... somewhat natural and rugged with a thoughtfully matched stem.
I'm sure that those thick, rounded walls are certainly helping the "Magic".
My "Ugly Duckling" is a GiGi Seville that I found for $20 at an antique shop.
It has an almost Rose-colored stem that turned me off at first ... until I loaded it with a Flake.
This pipe was made for Flakes and I don't even think about it's looks anymore.



Might Stick Around
Aug 15, 2014
After all, if you shell out for a high end pipe, you are kind of married to it.
I think it's called a legal union when you pucker your lips that close to a scrotum...
You and your partner are bigger men than I Peck. I'm not sure why, I mostly don't smoke in public, but I need my pipes to conform to the image I have of the pipesmoker. My particular image looks like someone out of the fifties, suited up and with a nice billard at a jaunty angle. I'm sure you all have an image in your heads associated with pipesmoking...although after this, I can't imagine what yours is Peck.
Edit - All that being said, my "off" pipe would be a shape 15 Stanwell. It's by no means an ugly pipe and it smokes great, but it's just not me.



Feb 21, 2013
That shape is called a ball, of course. I have one in Mountain Laurel with no band and a really big chamber.

I'm not surprised this smokes like a champ. I think the insulation around the chamber evens out the burn

and keeps it slow and steady. Since it's only one, ah, sphere, it doesn't trigger the gonadal image so much

with me. It's a sturdy looking pipe, anyway, if not one of breathtaking beauty. Solid.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 3, 2013
I actually like it a lot..If it smokes great like you say who cares what it looks like I say.

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