Prominent Women Pipe Smokers

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
Prominent Women Pipe Smokers, are we ever going to hear an interview from one? Pipe Babes don't count. I would love to tell my wife that PWPS (Prominent Women Pipe Smoker) was on the radio show. My wife feels, and I suspect a lot of women think this too, is that pipe smoking is mans hobby. And because of it, she is resistant to even the idea of it. She knows I'm a pipe smoker, and tolerates its, but I wish there was a woman pipe smoker who could be like it's cool.
And in a general sort of way, women in this hobby are very under represented in a general sort of way. A PWPS would be good for the community in a general sort of way.
I'm gonna stop now, don't want to put my foot in my mouth with this topic.



Aug 21, 2013
+1 (I don't usually do this !! lol). We have two lady smokers who are very prominent in this forum, but there don't seem to be any 'role models' in the wider community; certainly, as far as I'm aware, in the international spotlight.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Millicent Fenwick, Republican Congress woman. She is sadly departed, but just wanted to show picture as I think it is the coolest thing.



Aug 21, 2013
@the old cajun, yep she's not the typical 'pipebabe' and she is certainly familiar with that pipe. Rest her soul!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 10, 2012
South Carolina
Millicent Fenwick, Republican Congress woman. She is sadly departed, but just wanted to show picture as I think it is the coolest thing.
That is exactly the kind of person I would like to hear on the show. But as pointed out she is passed.



Mar 19, 2013
My wife showed interest in smoking a pipe. She loved shopping for the pipes (a Falcon and a MM Cob with a Forever stem) and accessories.
She wasn't wild about her first experience, but before she could venture out for a second try, she came down with double ear infections, then a sinus infection, and now a broncitis virus that's going around our area. Her interest is still there, but it's going to be awhile before she's able to dip her toes again.
She loved the picture of Millicent Fenwick!



Sep 20, 2011
On the other hand, men and woman are often drawn to different things. Must we share this in common? Sometimes it's healthy to have distinct male and female interests. I have no strong feelings as this observation relates to pipe smoking. But sometimes we do ourselves a disservice by failing to recognize innate differences (unless, of course, we are in the camp that chooses to ignore innate differences - admittedly a popular camp nowadays).



Nov 23, 2010
Central New Jersey
Madam Fenwick, a true stateswoman and someone I admired for being hard working and always sticking up for the little guy.

When pipe smoking fell out of favor the 80s, seeing her with her pipe always made me feel less self conscious about smoking a pipe back in those days.

As a Jersey guy and confirmed pipe smoker I always feel a sense of pride when ever I hear her name mentioned.



Jan 31, 2011
Madam Fenwick, a true stateswoman and someone I admired for being hard working and always sticking up for the little guy.
Wow. Stateswoman, hard working, sticking up for the little guy. Including the pipe smoking, we’re now up to 4 admirable qualities she possessed that you no longer see on display in congress.

Jan 8, 2013
When I see a woman with a pipe, I think it's kind of weird. But really I suppose it is not. Many women have smoked a pipe. Not nearly as many as men, of course, but do an image search on google and you'll see anything from congresswomen as seen above to old Native American women and more. I imagine there have been women smoking pipes for as long as men have... just not as many. So yeah, I think it's kind of weird. But I also think it's kind of cool. As far as image... some women look powerful smoking a pipe, some look kind of strange, and some look down right sexy. I say let the women smoke to their hearts desire, just as we do. If women can drive a 900 horsepower race car, or go into outerspace, or work an an oil rig, or ride a bull, they can smoke a pipe. If it's something they enjoy then by all means they should enjoy it. :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2012
West Park, NY Here is the section of the Pipe Club of London's website called 'The Lady's Lair.' I like the pic at the bottom of the page of the daughter and dad combo. Just because there aren't any confirmed 'prominent' women pipe smoker's currently doesn't mean the next one hasn't been born yet. She might have bought her first pipe today. I have a feeling that for as long as pipe smoking exists, men will be the predominate patrons of the art but that doesn't mean that women shouldn't be encouraged or welcomed into the family. From what I've seen here on the forum, it seems that they are. The more, the merrier.
Edit: I'm terrible at using the codes so if the link doesn't work, just cut and paste, obviously.



Sep 14, 2011
innate differences
There aren't that many. Behavior - and differences - are learned, not innate. They vary from culture to culture. We teach our kids what are "male" and "female" behaviors. My 2 month old grandson has no idea of what are "male" or "female" behaviors, because he hasn't learned yet what is appropriate for his culture. :puffy:



Mar 19, 2013
Jud, I agree.
My wife was raised mostly by her father. She can out fish anyone on the bank, she doesn't engage in the female pack attitude, and she calls it like it is. When my daughter was 4, her grandpa gave her a blue Tonka pickup truck, and my wife smiled and said, "Dad, it's just like mine!" I guess she was "liberated" before it was fashionable.
By the way, my wife is little (5'2") and can still knock 'em out in a dress - great legs.

One of the things that I've noticed in watching my oldest daughter experiment with a pipe, is that she seems to prefer a smaller bowl. I had an old tiny Meer that she snuck out of my cabinet that had a .5" x.9" bowl, and she snagged a bag of Sunset Rum. While I was shocked at first that my daughter would take to a pipe. I do think it better than cigarettes, which she had experimented with also.

But, the few times that I've seen her smoke it, she holds it like a lady. I think the smaller bowl is because of the time it takes to burn a larger one, and maybe the amount of smoke. Maybe if a few pipe-makers would design a smaller bowl with ladies in mind...

Build it, they will come.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 4, 2013
Back in the late 1970s, my English teacher smoked a pipe. She couldn't do it during class, but during her "free time" she would smoke it in the teacher's lounge, and was always puffing after school was out. We never really gave it any thought either way. She was a very outspoken, yet gentle, lady. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2013
I'm a woman pipe smoker (though I'm not sure I'm "prominent"...)! I haven't met any other women pipe smokers yet. :| I would like to hear from one!
Smokey Tay :puffy:



Aug 9, 2013
Maybe I am in the minority here, but personally, I can't stand the site of a woman smoking a pipe. I feel it is a manly thing . . . and gees . . . can't we men have anything to ourselves. It's like a man wearing a skirt and carrying a pocketbook, they do, but come on, they look ridiculous. The only women I can see smoking a pipe are Gramma Moses, old hillbilly women, and witches, lol.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 23, 2012
Oh my, unclefester that is a bit harsh now.

I am a woman pipe smoker and have been for a very long time.

I have never come across an unkindly attitude as blatant as yours.

I say we both light up a bowl and celebrate the wonderful world of

pipe smoking and leave the nasty's behind. :puffy:



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Timely,women should not take the back seat on pipe smoking,my grandmother smoked cigars in her pipe, and I don"t remember my grandfather telling her it was man"s work when she was cutting levees in the rice field or feeding the stock.Smoke that pipe dear,don",t let the naysayers bother you.

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