Pipestud Is A Mensch!

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I recently won a Barling Guinea Grain from one of Pipestud's auctions. The pipe arrived today and it is a beauty. But something about the stem didn't seem correct to me and when I gave it a thorough examination I became convinced that it was a replacement stem.
I wrote to Steve to tell him of my opinion, my reasons for it, and also to tell him that I was still satisfied with the deal, had no complaints, and was keeping the pipe. I just wanted him to be aware of my observations.
On his own, Steve issued me a generous partial refund though I had not asked, nor did I have any thought to ask, for one.
The word mensch is Yiddish for "human being". In practical use it means a "person of integrity and honor". That is a perfect definition of Steve. I wanted you guys to know what a treasure this guy is.



Apr 26, 2013
The only part of the story that surprised me is that he didn't catch that it was a replacement stem... because he IS so awesome.
He is the easiest person to deal with ever and he sells the coolest stuff!



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
The only part of the story that surprised me is that he didn't catch that it was a replacement stem... because he IS so awesome.
He is the easiest person to deal with ever and he sells the coolest stuff!
The stem is skillfully done. But I'm first and foremost a Barling collector so I spot things that are perhaps small, but to me, telling. That said, it's one person's opinion. I am in total agreement with you about Steve. He's the best!



May 25, 2012
Or, as my Irish friend asked me one time, "Hey man, what's a 'mensch'?" So I told him...
The word mensch is Yiddish for "human being". In practical use it means a "person of integrity and honor".
Then he says, "Oh, OK. Someone called me a 'mensch' the other day, and I didn't know if that was a good ting or a bad ting." LOL
But yes, pipestud is a mensch. Pipe-mensch?


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Yup great service and communication. Only bought two pipes from him so far, but his page is always the first I check when I get PAD pangs. Steve is a great asset to our hobby.

Dec 24, 2012
I agree completely.
Now I am curious though. Perhaps you can do a thread on the pipe and explain your concerns with the stem and why you think it is a replacement. I am very interested in that.



May 25, 2012
I guess J.T. Cooke's initials aren't on the stem face? Apparently, that's why he started doing that -- because his replacement stems were so good.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
I didn't know what the word "mensch" meant either and was convinced that Jesse didn't like the pipe and was calling me a bad name. :cry:
However, he did give me the definition in his email which perked me right up. :D
Regarding that pipe and the stem; I will let Jesse answer Peck's question regarding why he determined the stem was not original. I have personally seen, felt, cleaned and taken photos of literally 100s of pre-trans Barling's pipes over the 14-years that I have been selling on eBay. And, I can probably say the same thing about a dozen other brands. But, I claim to be an expert on none of them. I'm not a student of any particular brand and simply enjoy smoking a lot of them. That Barling's stem, particularly the button area and the tenon, looked exactly like many that I have seen over the years and had the general shape of many of the pre-trans Barling's that I currently have in stock. However, as I stated in that auction, I used a magnifying glass and could not see even a hint of the white cross logo remaining. Jesse, being a student of Pre-Trans Barling's pipes, explained in detail in his email why he believed the stem to be a replacement. He is a good and honorable customer and I simply deferred to his judgement and sent him a partial refund more as a thanks than anything else for his business and gentlemanly detailed explanation of why he believes that stem to be a replacement. And further, since I really had no idea whether that stem was the original or a replacement, sending a partial refund was, in my mind, the right thing to do.
I thank everyone for their kind words on this thread and I assure you that they could apply to many of the professional pipe sellers on eBay. Like just about any other business, there are some with less than sterling reputations and that is unfortunate. And in closing, it is the integrity of most of the pipe buyers on eBay that is most gratifying to me. I have, on rare occasion, sold an item or two on eBay outside of the pipe pages and there are some real nuts out there in the general population! Yes, we pipe hobbyists are nuts, too... but in a good kind of way!
Thanks again,



Feb 28, 2014
great post jesse, not surprising at all of who the culprit of the gentlemanly deed was, lol. I watch steve's auctions all the time and bid from time to time on them in complete faith that i will receive the type of superior and excellent customer service that rings true all over these forums. If there weren't so many damn mensch's watching and bidding on his burners i might actually win one, but usually fetch more than i am willing to pay on the particular pipe. Good for steve, bad for corey. :lol:
Keep up the good work steve!



Feb 21, 2013
pipestud's posts are always content rich, lots of good information and "straight dope." I always

watch for his posts. He's a pro, but he writes in an easygoing tone.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
In answer to Peck's question I've made a drawing to illustrate a couple of points that caught my eye.
Barling family era tapered stems show a convex profile. Sometimes this convex shape started at the junction of the shank and bowl and was carried through the stem to the bit - a nice bit of understated virtuosity. Don'r forget these are handcarved pipes. Sometimes the shank is straight and only the stem tapers to the bit. But in either case, the profile is convex. "S" shaped stems started to get used after the sale of the company, probably after 1968, when Imperial closed the Barling factories and moved production to several other English makers like Charatan and the Ogden group. The stem on this pipe has an "S" profile.
The airway opening on a Barling factory made stem has curved sides east and west. There are no corners, it isn't a squared off rectangle. There is also a relationship between the shape of the button and the airway that leaves a nearly even border around the airway. The airway on this stem started with square corners that were reworked to round them out a bit. You can still see the corners. The opening doesn't go as wide as a Barling airway so the relationship between the shape of the button and the shape of the airway is not as harmonious. Lastly, the airway is off center in the button. While Barling made stems aren't always perfect, that would not have passed muster.
There were other things as well, but these are the most obvious.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
Chuckle...that was one of the auctions I seriously considered bidding but decided not to do so. I'm glad you got it, sablebrush52. My wife has started to raise her eyebrows at the flow of pipes issuing forth from the mailbox over the last two months. She insists I have enough pipes, but never enough tobacco.
And I appreciate the stem information.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Two fine gentlemen showcased at their best. Sable's eye is amazing as is Pipestud's costumer care. I haven't had the opportunity to be the winner of one of his auctions but his Ebay store is always my first stop when visiting the auction house. Way to trend set, Gents!



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
Two decent honorable men. We are blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you

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