Pipe Design as Message and Self-Expression

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Feb 21, 2013
Peck's thread on Mummert pipes got me to thinking. How much of the pleasure of smoking a pipe

is related to a certain amount of showmanship? At pipe shows and in some pipe shops that permit

smoking, some folks like to bring their most unusual and dramatic pipes. I'm always busy sampling

tobaccos in a few traditional billiards and Dublins and such. No dramatic persona at all. Since I mostly

smoke alone, with only one or two pipe friends I see face-to-face, I've never thought of having an audience

for my pipes, hence none of them have much theatrical impact. Just wondered if anyone buys a pipe now

and then for the entertainment of friends, or to attract attention when smoking socially. In a sense, I feel

a Mummert would be wasted with me, since so few would see it. These are works of art and self-expression,

and have content and statement in their designs, it seems to me.



May 15, 2014
I definitely think design in general is something to be celebrated. Good design, whether extreme or subtle is something I appreciate. From cars to watches and even pipes, I love good lines. I too lack an audience... well, outside you folks. But I think there is something to be said for showmanship even for oneself. Tea, tobacco and alcohol all go better with a bit of ceremony and preparation in my opinion. It focuses the mind and prepares one to really drink it all in, as it were. I think the same for pipe aesthetics. Why not treat yourself to a good looking pipe? You will be the one starring at it bowl after bowl so get something that appeals to your senses, be it classic or postmodern. Just my take on it.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I purchase a pipe merely for my own enjoyment. There was a pipe shown here a few days ago. It totally violated two of my criteria for a pipe but was such a well executed piece of art that I would purchase it at a premium price. No one would ever see me smoking it as I spend the vast majority of my time alone. Not a good situation for the maker trying to build a customer base, but very good for me.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I just like pretty pipes.My wife though keeps asking me what's pretty about a pipe..I havent figured how to answer her yet.I have several pipes of different shapes I wouldn't call any of them unusual.As long as a pipe feels good in my hand,and smokes good it pleases me.That's really all I'm concerned with.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I never consider what kind of a "statement" a pipe makes to others in making a decision. My motley collection pretty much runs the gamut. The one thing that they all have in common is that I find them appealing.
I do have a taste for both classic refined shapes - Barling, Comoy, Sasieni, Ser Jacopo, Castello - and more exuberant pipes - Cannoy, Talbert, Tatum, Von Erck. Added to this are a few gonzo pipes, like a Chadwick Tomahawk and a Cubist inspired Ben Wade that was carved by Preben Holm. Most important is how well they smoke.



Apr 5, 2014
Same as Warren here. Hell even my wife seldom sees me smoking, as I'm mostly smoking in my private area of the house.

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