Peterson "Bing Crosby"

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
I've had my eye on a used Peterson "Bing Crosby" that is in mint condition. Even Ray Charles can see that the majority of members here like Petersons. Stupid question, but what makes them so special? They don't carry the enormous price tag that some of the others do. Are they just a bargain for the money, or are they that good? I am certainly not trying to be a smart ass or insult anyone. This pipe is gorgeous....mainly in it's simplicity.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
Hey ranger,

My personal opinion on Peterson is this, their styling is different from most every other factory maker out there. In general, Peterson shapes are beefier, and more masculine than most others. That's not to say that other companies shapes are feminine, just that Peterson tends to be a little stouter to the eye. I have about 50 pipes in my collection, 15 of which are Petersons, so that pretty well speaks to my like of the brand. A lot of guys seem to have trouble with Peterson's quality control here recently, but I have not experienced this at all.
In my opinion, Petersons are well built, very stout pipes, that smoke very well and are well worth the money.



Aug 12, 2011
I second what petes03 said . I have 10 Pete's in my collection and all 10 are good smokers with an Irish Harp XL 02 being one of my favorite pipes overall . I have not experienced the quality problem myself either .
Would love to see some pics of the Bing .



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
A pipe must catch my eye first. Then it must fit my fist and, while the odd fill might be tolerated, must be nicely finished and well fitted. I find that the Peterson pipes are consistent in meeting my requirements. Although there are Pete's in certain colors and shapes that I can't see myself owning.
I've seen gorgeous free-hands, nice block, beautiful finish, nicely fitted, etc. Just not my of tea. Dunhill hasn't made a bent that I covet in many years and I'm not a fan of rusticated pipes. Do not get me wrong, if a Dunhill caught my eye and felt right in my fist, I'd own in a second! To my mind Dunhill is still the standard to measure others pipes against. I've had a couple over the years, light, perfect block, impeccable finish, etc. Well worth the money! Just, no longer my style. And, yes I do own a Falcon. Purchased as a bit of a novelty and kept as really nice smoker, the extra bowls being perfect for travel. Only room for one though, in my collection.
So, to keep a long answer short: Peterson more often than not satisfies both my eye, fist and delivers nicotine extremely well. Ergo, it's generally my pipe of choice.



Feb 21, 2013
Petersons have a lot of presence and great feel in the hand. I have five, and I've never

been disappointed. Much to their credit, Peterson has established a separate look and

personality for their pipes, distinguished from other nationalities and brands. To date,

they've always managed to keep their prices within reach of the average salary man or

woman, or wage earner, whether as a simple purchase or, spending more money, a gift

for a special occasion.



Mar 19, 2013
+1 Petes & MSO

I have 6 Petersons, either 999 or 03 styles. I'va always had a great smoke right out of the gate, but some members have had problems with stain inside of the bowl - watch for it - there have been complaints.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
Great responses. Thanks! I wouldn't use the word "stout" to describe this particular Peterson. In fact, my only hesitation was it's size. I have huge hands, and this pipe is smaller than anything I have. The stem is long, but the bowl is small. It is a beautiful color with a yellow stem. What appeals to me is it's simplicity. It's sleek and sophisticated. I will surely post a pic as soon as I own that baby! 8)



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
I'd like to see a pic of the pipe, Ranger. If I'm correct, I think you're probably looking at the "Slimline" series from Peterson. If so, then yes, they are much more delicate that peterson's usual offerings.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
Honestly, I am a complete greenhorn in the pipe world. The fellow who is selling the pipe told me that it was a Bing Crosby. As he has a collection of somewhere between 300-500 pipes that he keeps in a vault, I assumed he knew what he was talking about. It may not be a bing. The yellow stem is probably between 5-6 inches long. The shape, based on a Peterson pipe chart I found on this site, looks like a Dublin. I would guess the outer diameter of the bowl to be not much more than 1 1/8 inches and perhaps 1 1/2 inches tall. It is a very dark brown with a hint of reddish purple. Maybe I need to Google a bing. :oops:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
It looks like this with a yellow stem:



Jul 27, 2012
I am a big fan of Peterson pipes - however, I can't say they are better than other factory pipes, I just like their look and history. Still, they do make a solid pipe (but their Q/C has been sketchy lately, so I tend to be careful when buying a new one).
I also have not seen a Peterson Bing model - so if I were you, I'd probably grab it (I am a sucker for the Bing style).

Aug 14, 2012
The Crosby is a great shape. I have about 14, all Dunhills. They are distinguished from billiards by a slimmer profile and a longer stem, 6 inches minimum. They also have a silver band. As far as Petersons go, I have had about 3 dozen, sold the problem pipes and have 14 left. Some are great pipes, some are poor. Petes are distinguished by their thick solid shank and overall feel. Also by briar of whatever age, and stain in the bowls and draft holes. It is difficult if not impossible to get a cleaner through many of the p-lips, especially the bent pipes. Right now there are better pipes available for the money, such as L'Anatra. For long slim budget priced pipes I much prefer the vintage Hilsons.



May 29, 2011
Peterson makes a good, solid, usually dependable pipe. I, too, have about 15 in my herd. My favorite is a Grafton series 999 Rhodesian, which I smoke almost daily. Another favorite is a 150 Bulldog. That "Bing" shape is quite a novelty for Peterson.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
The antique shop where I've been scoring these trophies decided to be closed today. Had the cash in my sweaty little fist, too. Dang. Tomorrow, if the gods are with me and the planets properly aligned, I will have two new will be the Peterson. I will post a pic, and you guys can tell me whether it's a bing or something else. Man, I hope they haven't sold.....



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
1 she is. The big question: Is this a "Bing" or not? It has "15" stamped on it, which turned up nada on a Google search for Peterson #15. I haven't smoked her yet, but was pleased paying $45.




Feb 6, 2013
It looks like a Peterson Rosslare. These retail new for around $200, so I think you did well. It should clean up nicely.
-- Pat



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
That is indeed a Peterson Slimline (shape #15)! You got a good deal in it, and it should polish up nice. The Slimlines aren't very common in the US as far as I know, though they do show up from time to time. I'd say that pipe should smoke flakes very well!
Congrats on a good score!



Can't Leave
Nov 30, 2013
hertford nc
I have three petets out of 8 pipes. one regular billiard one xl bent and one smaller bent 517. the 517 i only half like, but love my big green xl, and red straight billiard.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
Well, the mystery is solved then. No bing. Just bling. :lol: Thanks for your expertise. I can't wait try try it out.

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