Mso, I may be out of line here, and I’ll humbly submit to the enhanced knowledge of whomever may have it, but I think the idea that certain stains on a Dunhill mar its smokability is absurd. I too have read Foggy’s statements, and while he is definitely a respected member here, and quite a Dunhill database, his opinions regarding certain finishes and their downfalls scientifically do not hold much weight in my opinion, and I don’t think it is good for others who don’t have the same experience as him to pass that opinion on to new smokers. I have owned and smoked almost every line of finish from Dunhill, and I have found them all to be most pleasant. Now, that’s my opinion vs. Foggy’s, so I welcome everyone to do with that what they want...but I do think it isn’t good of us to put something down which we ourselves have not had problems with. Does that seem valid?