Here's the eBay listing for the "before". -->
Vintage Yello-Bole
It wasn't too bad on the outside, just dirty with some buildup on the rim. I rubbed the bowl with acetone soaked cotton pads then buffed it with white diamond, a little hand buffing on some spots, then a few coats of carnauba wax and some more hand buffing.
The stem needed some sanding and buffing as well.
The tobacco chamber needed a little reaming, but the airway was completely blocked from shank to stem. After about 20 alcohol soaked pipe cleaners, I had to remove the stinger and go in with the sharp point of a pipe tool to loosen the last plug of gunk. All clear now.
As for the stingers, personally, I like them, or at least I don't mind them. The one on this pipe just pulls out. Since it's part of the "original equipment" I'll keep it.