New Smoker, No Taste

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
Hey guys :) I have only recently started smoking in the past couple of weeks,having always thought pipes to be very aesthetically pleasing and to have a great smell (odd thought for a teenager which my friends are slowly coming around to :P ), but I am really disappointed with the lack of any taste whatsoever. There is absolutely nothing there and may as well just be sucking in air through a through a straw. I have tried most suggestions I have find online such as proper packing, tamping, retrohaling, but I am still getting next to nothing. I am currently using a Peterson System 312 without the filter and Peterson Luxury Blend. Sorry for the newbie question, you all probably get stuff like this a lot lol. Any help would be great. :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2012
Hi there Andrew!

Judging from the information you have given, it sounds like you may not have applied flame to the tobacco. I made a similar mistake when I was new. I would personally recommend some sort of flame making device such as a lighter. Traditionalists may prefer matches.

On a serious note, let your palate develop over time. Patience is needed. It isn't like eating food where flavour comes through really strong, it takes time to pick up on the nuances. I am still learning too.

Welcome to the forum!



Mar 23, 2012
Emerson, Arkansas
Welcome to the forum andrew. I don't think the 'no-taste' phenomenon is all that rare actually. My oldest

son had the same experience. He just experimented with different tobacco's until he found the right chemistry.

Keep kickin' around until you hit it. Don't give up....



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
lol epic sarcasm is always a good start :P , but would it be normal to get absolutely no flavour from the start? I have no problem with my tastebuds or sense of smell so should be getting something.
Good God thanks for the quick replies guy :) and yeah I live in Dublin so have the original Peterson store and James Fox about a 40 minute bus ride away. Might try something a little stronger to see if I can get the palate kick started, have noticed on Tobacco Reviews that luxury blend is marked as mild.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2012
Yeah its fairly normal. Where you are smoking could be a factor too. If you are outside it doesn't help just to start with if there is a breeze etc. But its not a major problem, just doesn't help. Its hard to explain but after a few months or a year it all starts to really come together, trying different things etc. To me, a cake in your pipe definitely helps a little bit too, so don't be too tempted to go daft buying too many just yet. Get that one nicely broke in, with perhaps a MM cob on the side to help you alternate and give it a wee rest when too moist.

Aromatic tobaccos never taste the same as they smell, which can be a let down. I would personally recommend something like Dunhills EMP (Early Morning Pipe) which has plenty of flavour once your palate is accustomed. But others will doubtless tell you different. for every 100 pipers there are 101 opinions!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2012
Oh and when searching for flavour don't be tempted to puff too fast! It will only frustrate you. Nicely, slowly...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
Thanks Snewton :)I don't think I would be able to smoke English blends at the moment due to living with non smokers, and Irish weather makes going outside to smoke a real drag. Although I have heard Early Morning is really good from a few beginner articles I read. There is a sort of half aromatic James Fox blend called Hibernia which contains Perique and a slight vanilla casing which might do the trick, will pick some up this weekend. I also forget to mention I have been using Peterson Sweet Killarney blend also with no taste. Will definitely take the tip to shop around a little since Peterson don't seem to be doing it for me.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2012
Try as many as you can (within reason of course), and store them as properly as you can and just keep trying :) you will get there. You sound like you definitely have good knowledge and that is a great start.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
Will see how many samplers I can bum off the local stores lol, and yeah I have read into a lot and am researching anything before I buy it since it is so expensive over here. For instance a 50 gram tin of Early morning costs 22 Euro here, about 28 in US Dollars, it is insane.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 6, 2013
Hey Andrew,
I'm also pretty new to this (going on 3 months now) and I too had/have some problems with taste. I can say that retrohaling seems to work best for me, but I fear that I am inevitably inhaling to do this. Slowing down was my first huge step in finally finding the tobacco's flavor. You think you're going slow enough, until that one magical smoke when you finally get it. And you'll know, trust me. I'm still working on getting as much flavor out of the tobaccos as some of the other guys/girls on this forum describe, but I'm definitely on the right track. Sampling many different tobaccos is key to understanding the differences in flavors you're tasting.
Basically what I'm saying is, 3 months in and I'm just starting to grasp the flavor aspect of this art. Keep with it, sample, and slow down. Enjoy! :puffpipe:



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
One of the issues I had starting out was letting the tobacco breathe a bit; that seemed to help. Hard to think you've had that problem if you've been smoking so much, but it seemed to go better for me after it dried out a little more; also for keeping my pipe lit. Happy hunting and welcome.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
Thanks guy :) will try slow down as much as possible next time I have a bowl. Homeatsea I think I was over doing the retrohaling a bit too, chest feels a little ticklish after the last bowl and that is not right at all, probably exaggerated it too much since I could not taste it or see it really coming out of my nose. Doesn't help that I have one nostril slightly more easy to breath through than the other. Thanks teufelhund will maybe leave the next for 10 minutes or so to get rid of the extra moisture from being in the tin. :)

Apr 26, 2012
Washington State
I don't think English blends smell bad at all. Try some and if your roommates disapprove then you know not to smoke that blend around them. I've had plenty of English blends that leave behind a nice aroma.



Dec 8, 2010
Try University Flake before you bother with any of the other Petersons...
Your pipe needs to be broken in before you begin to sense much flavour at all. Petersons take a notoriously long time to break in, by most accounts. Keep that in mind. You can buy Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes online for an economical price - give that a try and see if it gives you any instant gratification. Then return to your Peterson and smoke that pipe until it becomes to come around, taste wise.
Keep in mind that moisture management is crucial for successful pipe smoking.

- In my experience, each and every pipe tobacco needs some drying time straight out of the tin. It could be five minutes or a full hour, experiment and you will discover the optimal balance of moisture/dryness for each blend.

- Smoke slow and in an intuitive fashion. By this, do not smoke at a set cadence like a metronome but in response to the flavour/burning rate/bowl temperature et cetera. It is not "ten puffs per minute" but as many as it takes to keep the fire burning without scorching the tobacco and/or your mouth... You should be able to gently sip the smoke from the pipe and the tobacco should keep itself burning for the most part, with minor maintenance such as tamping and relights along the way.
Patience, lad! Patience!
I do advise, though, that you get an authentic MM cob to give you a glimpse into the pleasure of pipe smoking. (I recommend the Country Gentleman) I think briar is an unforgiving mistress for beginners...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 21, 2013
Thanks for the tips simenon, will look into those Meerschaums, feel a bit cheated now that they recommended a Peterson for a beginner in the store but will stick at it, have pretty good patience. :)



Dec 8, 2010
A Peterson salesman recommended you a Peterson pipe? Isn't that strange? ;)
I'm not sure if you are aware of the difference or not, but the Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipes are not to be confused with actual meerschaum pipes carved from a white mineral known as meerschaum or sepiolite.
MM cobs are, despite their rustic appearance and cheap stems, very capable pipes that deliver a wonderfully sweet and dry smoke after a couple of bowls. At $5-10 a pipe (plus shipping) you will hopefully agree that they are one of the greatest bargains in the pipe smoking world. Even if you prefer briar, every pipe smoker should try a cob.

Jul 12, 2011
The Matrix
I think a good VaPer might jump-start the taste buds :) if of course

you can't smoke a good 'Ol Lat-slap'in who's your daddy blend ;-)
English blends when/if you can smoke them;

C&D's Star of the East

Dunhill's EMP and perhaps London Mixture (two I started with)


SG's St James Flake


MC's St. James Woods



Nov 25, 2012
@ andrew369,

definately get yourself a few Missouri Meerschaum Corn Cob or Hardwood pipes, they both break in super fast and are the most reasonably priced pipe out there. I started with a briar pipe and had the same "no flavor" problem, then picked up a few cobs and started trying several different blends and I love the pipe.

below is a link to their website.
MM Pipes



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2012
With regards to cost, preaching to the converted here Pal, Im only from just over in England! Its not quite as expensive as Ireland, But still way more than the States. These Yanks don't know they are born! ( no offence inteded to the "Yanks", At heat Im half English country Gent and Half free spirited American!)

Don't feel done over with that Pete, they are great pipes and enough bowls to get it warmed up will fly by! Then you will have a great quality broken in pipe, just timed right for when you start getting the swing yourself. Lear together with the pipe!

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