Thanks Roth. Hardcastle I understand became a subsidiary of Dunhill, and Pipedia gives a good recounting of its history. Mentioning that Hardcastle was below Parker, another Dunhill subsidary, in quality. Although you're right about the crown logo similarity, I can't find London Crown listed under any of the numerous Hardcastle grades and seconds listed in the article. It's a fine pipe with no fills. Funny thing is I've never smoked it. Wish I knew more about it.
Hardcastle Models & Grades
Pre-Cadogan Era: Straight Grain, Supergrain, Leweard, Nut Bruyere, De Luxe, Royal Windsor Sandhewn, Royal Crown, The Crown, Phito Dental, Old Bruyere, Jack, O'London, Dental Briar, Phito, Dental, Druconomy, Drawel, Phithu, Telebirar, Camden, Lightweight, The Table, Dovetail, Dental, Crescent Extra, Lonsdale, Welard De Luxe
Seconds: Start, Argyle, After Lunch, Crescent, Duke, Jockey Club, Scout