Lesson Learned (Retort)

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Aug 1, 2012
Today I got out my trusty retort so I could finish up a couple estate restorations. I laid out all of my gear and cleaned the workspace. The fire extinguisher was on hand as well as my protective gear and so I assembled it and went to work. A few minutes in I realized I forgot to put on my face shield. "I've done this a bunch of times with no problems, it's a piece of cake and has been perfectly safe." I thought. "I don't really need the face shield or safety glasses."
As soon as those thoughts formed I realized that I was getting over-confident and that's when mistakes happen. I put everything back down, snuffed the fire and put on my face shield as well as my other glove. I'm glad I did because 30 seconds after I started back in something wasn't right, it wasn't beginning to boil and it wasn't having the sort of "turbulent" feel it gets when it's about to boil. About 2 seconds later it made a popping sound and all of the alcohol in the retort was now in the pipe and some of it was on my freshly gloved hand.
It could have been much worse but it's a good lesson. Never get too confident in your abilities with fire and alcohol (or power tools for that matter) and always use your protective gear.



Jun 28, 2011
I never have worn a face mask when I use my retort. I think I will start though. Anything can happen no matter how safe you are. Thanks for sharing and glad it turned out well.

Aug 1, 2012
I just wear one because I am a brass instrument player and one cut or burn to the wrong part of the face and I no longer have a musical career.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
That kind of incident has kept me from purchasing a retort, I'm glad you chose to wear the safety tools. I did our restaurant safety program for my company for over 20 years and always said if you use the tool, you will never get hurt and if you don't you have to answer two questions: where is the nearest medical facility and how many stitches will be required (we use slicers and knives daily).



Jul 26, 2012
I had a very bad experience when I got mine. The inner sleeve, a plastic thingy that goes over the rubber stopper, was torn a bit upon arrival; one of the test tubes was also broken and the oil burner included had opened and leaked too. Anyway, the first pipe went well, and I was very impressed. The second pipe acted a bit "funny", like Cap described. Next thing I know the insert in the test tube blows out as does all the alcohol, which as you know is over a flame. Luckily I had prepared with clothes and baking soda for emergency and all was on an aluminum cookie tray so the fire was contained and easily snuffed. I only suffered some burnt hair on my hands and arms, very lucky. FWIW, the guy I ordered from wouldn't take payment up front: he said see if you are satisfied then send me a check. Well, with all the broken and leaky stuff, and the blow up I wasn't a real happy camper so no check and no retort. Maybe will try again down the road.

Aug 1, 2012
I am not worried about retorting because the danger, while present, is pretty minimal. Alcohol burns and boils at such a low temp that if you have taken a few precautions there is a low chance of injury or destructive fire.
It really was probably just a case of operator error. If I were to guess what happened I would say that somewhere between the test tube and the bowl there was a minor blockage like a bit of pipe cleaner fuzz.

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