Cool labels! And good idea of storing the jars in a drawer, makes the Mason jar lids a perfect thing to label since that's what you see when you pull it open.
And good idea cortezattic putting a reference date on your labels, I hadn't thought of that when I did mine.
I don't mean to hijack this thread, not meant that, but I had just redone all the labeling on my jars last week and had thought about posting these up for feedback.
I store all my tobacco in 10 and 20 oz Emma jars, and have them stacked on a shelf so I needed some labeling on the sides of the jars so I knew what is what. I am a fan of nostalgic art and old time movie and other types of posters so if I was going to make some labels I should do it up! hehe So for some, like my Squadron Leader one, I used the old time art for the label, same for the EMP with the old Dunhill logo. For others, where I had to build a label from scratch, like Lane 1Q, I tried to use like elements.
I didn't include the date, which would have been a nice addition, but I did include the official tin blurbs or descriptions to remind me of the ingredients, smells, tastes, etc, as sometimes it blends (no pun) all together. I printed them all out on matte photo paper, cut them out and attached them with double sided tape. I have to say they classed up the joint! hehe