After all these years, I'll finally own a real, honest to goodness, hand-made pipe!
Larrysson pipes has one on the bench for me as I type, and I'm really excited. For those who didn't know, he had taken a break for some time, but is back at it.
From what I understand, his website has had a bit of a revamping as well.
Larrysson Pipes Website
I'll of course post some pictures when I have the pipe, but couldn't wait to brag, now that I'll finally have something to brag about!
Who else here has one of his beautiful pieces?
Larrysson pipes has one on the bench for me as I type, and I'm really excited. For those who didn't know, he had taken a break for some time, but is back at it.
From what I understand, his website has had a bit of a revamping as well.
Larrysson Pipes Website
I'll of course post some pictures when I have the pipe, but couldn't wait to brag, now that I'll finally have something to brag about!
Who else here has one of his beautiful pieces?