Inspector Chester Campbell/Peaky Blinders

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Jan 8, 2013
Just finished watching episode 2 of Peaky Blinders on Netflix and it turns out Sam Neill's character, Inspector Chester Campbell, smokes a pipe. The show is about gangsters in Birmingham England in 1919. I'm two episodes in and hooked already. I am hoping of course to see more pipes in some scenes but with or without them I think the show will be great.


So I've seen pipe smoking in season 2 of Hell On Wheels, and now on this show as well. Could it be, perhaps, that the pipe is regaining enough popularity that we may see it more often in television and film? And of course could it also be becoming more popularity because of television and film? And is this just one more reason to thank Peter Jackson for the Lord Of The Rings movies since pipe smoking is such a part of those stories? And can I include this photo of Peter Jackson with a pipe just for the soul purpose of including a photo of Peter Jackson with a pipe?

I just think it's great :puffpipe:

Jan 8, 2013
Just finished watching episode 3, and Sam Neill actually lights up. So far his character is the only one I've noticed with a pipe.



Can't Leave
Jul 2, 2013
Great series! The second season has just started in the UK.
Here's a couple of screen shots I took of Neill's character lighting up. Forgot the episode, but they are from the first season.


I'll watch the s02e01 today. My clothes are once again becoming relevant:



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I also just finished Season One and I really enjoyed this series. It's obviously a low budget series, but I like the story line and acting. The pipe smoking was definitely a bonus. The music was also excellent, I have to delve into more of Nick Cave, I wasn't real familiar with him.

Jan 8, 2013
Season One was fantastic! But so short :( and we'll likely be waiting until this time next year to catch season 2.....GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Well despite the wait, I'm looking forward to it. I was truly impressed with this show. They crammed a lot of good show into such a short season.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
Good to know a talented guy like Sam Neill is working again. In 2012 he starred in a quirky semi-science fiction series on Fox called "Alcatraz" that was really quite good: prisoners disappeared from Alcatraz in 1963 and then reappeared almost fifty years later not having aged a lick.
The show started in January and was killed five months later.
But don't mind me. I'm still waiting for the relaunch of "EZ Streets."

Jan 8, 2013
Looks like season 2 went up on Netflix today :) I guess we didn't have to wait so long after all. Of course now it's showing season 1 as 2013 and season 2 as 2014, where before it showed 2014 under season 1. Well at least I didn't have to wait a year to see season 2 but it might be that long for season 3. I'm just about to watch episode 1. Last season ended with a bang... literally, and I'm hoping season 2 starts off right from where it left off. Looking forward of course to more pipe scenes. I'm loading some Bagpiper's Dream, and getting ready for a great smoke and a great show :)

Jan 8, 2013
You're welcome :) I watched episode 1 of season 2 and it looks like it's going to be as good as season 1. Had a wonderful bowl of Bagpiper's dream in my Hilson Dream and as usual the tobacco and pipe matched up beautifully. I never fail to get a perfect smoke with few if any relights to nothing but ash with that combination. In fact, the pipe and tobacco are designated together. Nothing else goes in the pipe and the tobacco goes in no other. Enough about the pipe though. The show is great, and if you've not watched it I recommend it. Besides, there's pipe smoking involved :)

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Got hooked on it last weekend. I'm on episode three. Apparently it's a BBC 2 show that Netflix bought the rights to for airing in North America. I believe the second season went on this year, but isn't on Netflix just yet. Good show and great that there's some pipe smoking in it.

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