Just glancing over the thread topics on the front page and they began writing a twisted little story in my mind.
I imagine a random visitor reviewing the front page and getting a similar first impression.
I made a short poem from them.
I got plans for the night
Gonna get a backpacker blowjob
and celebrate my birthday with a bad nun
Why am I up so late?
Coffee grounds, man. Three cheers for coffee grounds.
I want 3 hots and a cot
I know I'm getting old
I got cake in the chamber and a canker
But I saw a great rack at the flea market
What are you smoking?
I imagine a random visitor reviewing the front page and getting a similar first impression.
I made a short poem from them.
I got plans for the night
Gonna get a backpacker blowjob
and celebrate my birthday with a bad nun
Why am I up so late?
Coffee grounds, man. Three cheers for coffee grounds.
I want 3 hots and a cot
I know I'm getting old
I got cake in the chamber and a canker
But I saw a great rack at the flea market
What are you smoking?