tried two bowls out of the new doc grabow decided it wasn't gonna work with that blend...
pulled out my well loved, broken in, smooth smoking old doc grabow...loaded it up and had three bowls in her...don't know if it was the familiarity of the pipe or the slightly wider bowl..but it burned better in the broken in pipe.
This is my first latakia heavy blend, only maybe my second that wouldn't be considered an Aro. So if your looking for a good review of Odyssey as compared to other similar blends it's not me you wanna ask.
I can really taste the leathery smoky taste that people keep mentioning with latakia. I also get a peppery undertone, with just a hint of smooth...not chocolate smooth, more like a well worn t-shirt under the rough leather work coat.
The room note, well it's probably a good thing I live alone. Won't be smoking it when the girls come over :lol: I like the smell but it is probably a bit pungent for attracting the fainter of the fairer gender. No offense to the lovely ladies on here of course.
The first few drags in the smaller unbroken pipe made my eyes water a bit. once it was in a broken pipe I could just picture a bunch of grizzled old cowboys laughing at the youngin ,hacking and coughing after taking his first drag out of a pipe. The whole time knowing that with a broken in pipe it's a nice smooth smoke, and of course since he's the FNG they didn't tell him not to inhale :lol:
The Beard/mustache note is still hanging on nicely. and between the beard mustache and the flavor is where I'm hooked. I'm very big on smells and tastes. This one transported me away.
The thick pungent aroma, teasing me, begging to be stuffed in an old broken stemmed clay and puffed upon while working the ropes on the Pequod. The only break from the smell of salt air and whale stench.
Or jammed into a well loved corn cob to chase away the flies while mucking stalls in some old John Wayne western.
Perhaps an ornate long stem while advising armies on their next mission, from my vantage on a pile of the rotting corpses of the enemy.
It's one of those tobaccos that begs for something to try to stand up to it.
Maybe it's the Kraken rum talking, but I closed my my eyes to enjoy this tobacco and my mind was transported to a time and place when men were still rough and tumble. Where hands were cracked and skin leathery from days in the sun. a private Odyssey, with only my pipe as a constant companion.
Now I just have to find a girl who doesn't mind the room note :lol:
Or at least one that will bring me Iced tea and sit on the front porch after a hard days work while I smoke my pipe...preferably in period dress so as not to ruin my smoking and dreaming of a time long past.
Guess I'll be trying more latakia blends
But Odyssey will always be my first time...She'll be that perfect moment where I told myself in to a grand adventure.
pulled out my well loved, broken in, smooth smoking old doc grabow...loaded it up and had three bowls in her...don't know if it was the familiarity of the pipe or the slightly wider bowl..but it burned better in the broken in pipe.
This is my first latakia heavy blend, only maybe my second that wouldn't be considered an Aro. So if your looking for a good review of Odyssey as compared to other similar blends it's not me you wanna ask.
I can really taste the leathery smoky taste that people keep mentioning with latakia. I also get a peppery undertone, with just a hint of smooth...not chocolate smooth, more like a well worn t-shirt under the rough leather work coat.
The room note, well it's probably a good thing I live alone. Won't be smoking it when the girls come over :lol: I like the smell but it is probably a bit pungent for attracting the fainter of the fairer gender. No offense to the lovely ladies on here of course.
The first few drags in the smaller unbroken pipe made my eyes water a bit. once it was in a broken pipe I could just picture a bunch of grizzled old cowboys laughing at the youngin ,hacking and coughing after taking his first drag out of a pipe. The whole time knowing that with a broken in pipe it's a nice smooth smoke, and of course since he's the FNG they didn't tell him not to inhale :lol:
The Beard/mustache note is still hanging on nicely. and between the beard mustache and the flavor is where I'm hooked. I'm very big on smells and tastes. This one transported me away.
The thick pungent aroma, teasing me, begging to be stuffed in an old broken stemmed clay and puffed upon while working the ropes on the Pequod. The only break from the smell of salt air and whale stench.
Or jammed into a well loved corn cob to chase away the flies while mucking stalls in some old John Wayne western.
Perhaps an ornate long stem while advising armies on their next mission, from my vantage on a pile of the rotting corpses of the enemy.
It's one of those tobaccos that begs for something to try to stand up to it.
Maybe it's the Kraken rum talking, but I closed my my eyes to enjoy this tobacco and my mind was transported to a time and place when men were still rough and tumble. Where hands were cracked and skin leathery from days in the sun. a private Odyssey, with only my pipe as a constant companion.
Now I just have to find a girl who doesn't mind the room note :lol:
Or at least one that will bring me Iced tea and sit on the front porch after a hard days work while I smoke my pipe...preferably in period dress so as not to ruin my smoking and dreaming of a time long past.
Guess I'll be trying more latakia blends
But Odyssey will always be my first time...She'll be that perfect moment where I told myself in to a grand adventure.