Well the commissioned Drip Wax pipe #1 is complete so here is first look. banjo
fishnbanjo Lifer Feb 27, 2013 3,030 70 Oct 20, 2017 #1 Well the commissioned Drip Wax pipe #1 is complete so here is first look. banjo
jndyer Lifer Jul 1, 2012 1,020 727 Central Oregon Oct 20, 2017 #2 That is an intersesting looking pipe. For some reason it makes me think of campfire roasted marshmallows.
That is an intersesting looking pipe. For some reason it makes me think of campfire roasted marshmallows.
anthonyrosenthal74 Lifer Jan 8, 2013 7,835 4,559 Oct 20, 2017 #3 Just like I said on Facebook, Banjo, it looks like the pipe was dipped in honey. I absolutely love it! :clap:
Just like I said on Facebook, Banjo, it looks like the pipe was dipped in honey. I absolutely love it! :clap:
fishnbanjo Lifer Feb 27, 2013 3,030 70 Oct 21, 2017 #5 Thanks folks, I was indeed very happy with the outcome of this pipe by Chris Askwith, his first Drip Wax pipe. banjo
Thanks folks, I was indeed very happy with the outcome of this pipe by Chris Askwith, his first Drip Wax pipe. banjo
newbroom Lifer Jul 11, 2014 6,431 10,914 North Central Florida Oct 21, 2017 #7 The color alone is spectacular! It goes so well (harmonizes) with the shape it looks like candy! Caramel, toffee, brown sugar, coffee. Glad you got it, banjo! Thanks for sharing a glimpse.
The color alone is spectacular! It goes so well (harmonizes) with the shape it looks like candy! Caramel, toffee, brown sugar, coffee. Glad you got it, banjo! Thanks for sharing a glimpse.
papipeguy Lifer Jul 31, 2010 15,777 42 Bethlehem, Pa. Oct 21, 2017 #9 Lovely pipe, banjo. Paul Huberrt of Larrysson Pipes also does a very dramatic take on the drip shape. http://www.larryssonpipes.com/sell_public.php?gal=210
Lovely pipe, banjo. Paul Huberrt of Larrysson Pipes also does a very dramatic take on the drip shape. http://www.larryssonpipes.com/sell_public.php?gal=210
mackeson Part of the Furniture Now Mar 29, 2016 758 2 Oct 21, 2017 #10 Wow! The color and finish really compliment the drip wax look. That's probably one of the best looking drip pipes I've ever seen
Wow! The color and finish really compliment the drip wax look. That's probably one of the best looking drip pipes I've ever seen