I just finished the prototype of a DIY Ozone Chamber.
Using an inexpensive ChinaBay ozone plate as the core, I cobbled together the rest of the mechanism using stuff that I had lying around, and mounted it on a ZipLoc storage box from WallyWhirld.
The ozone plate is rated at 5gr/hr. It is mounted in a 6x6 conduit box, along with a muffin recirculating fan. The fan draws air in from the container, over the plate, and expels it back out into the container. The box is sealed. Lighted switches allow for the independent control of the fan and the ozone plate.
Originally, there weren't any switches. But I've turned the plate on for a second, and in that time it puts out enough ozone that I have to open the windows in the 12x20 room to get some fresh air in. It looks like this setup could gas a much bigger container. So the plan is to close the box, turn on the fan, then run the plate for a few seconds. I may need to add an intervalometer that will switch the plate on and off at a set interval.
I'll be gassing some pipes in the next couple of days....