Hi I'm thinking about purchasing a Devils Anse pipe. $149.00 is the most I will have ever paid for a pipe. I'm curious if anyone knows of a similar pipe that costs closer to $100 and is available online?
Wouldn't a devil anse pipe actually be all briar or all wood? One of my own little pet peeves when people say they have one. But really get what ever you like.
Depending on what you are wanting one for, Eric Paulson makes a Devil Anse that is dimensionally accurate to the one smoked by Costner in the mini-series. I had him add an imitation antique ivory shank ring to mine; sort of my idea of what such a pipe might have been like back in that time. I belong to a living history group and I smoke it a lot there. I like the way it looks & smokes, and I get about a 50 min smoke from it.
Check out Dave Neeb. He has two Devil Anse Blasted versions. I prefer the light, natural one myself but that's just me. Scroll a bit down the page.