So I received a friendly message from Lawrence that I need to put all the cool pipe pictures into one single thread so they don't cause an e-traffic jam. Apparently it will make it easier for you all to (1) salivate over the coolness of the pipes and (2) post your own unique, off-the-beaten-path pipes. Go for it!!
So to summarize, here are some of the ones I have already posted:
The Arita Speeder
Tonni Nielsen Wren
Maigurs Knets Grub:
Maigurs Knets Sea Turtle
Smio Satou Half Bent:
Geiger Partly Peeled Orange Nosewarmer:
Rainer Barbi Billiard:
Geiger Drekar:
So to summarize, here are some of the ones I have already posted:
The Arita Speeder
Tonni Nielsen Wren
Maigurs Knets Grub:
Maigurs Knets Sea Turtle
Smio Satou Half Bent:
Geiger Partly Peeled Orange Nosewarmer:
Rainer Barbi Billiard:
Geiger Drekar: