So addiction would be considered sin, but just because we sin doesn't mean that we are going to hell, we all sin all the time, I sin everyday sometimes without even reallizing it. Your desitnation is based on Jesus. In John 14 Jesus says, "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus is saying that he is the only means of salvation, he is the only one who can get us to heaven. He frees us from sin so that we can enter into the presence of God. Jesus imputes his rightouesness upon us and makes us acceptable to God through his perfect life, death, and resurrection. Our reality is that none of us can do enough good to get to heaven, only Jessus has done that . That doesn't give us a free ticket to sin all the more, but rather frees us from the bondage of guilt that sin briings. We are all addicted to something, cigs, lust, greed, the idol of sellf, self service, self glorification, etc. and thus all deserve death, but Jesus frees us and gives us life all on his own. Freedom even to enjoy a pipe. So many peiople think that Christianity revolves around what I do to get to heaven, but it isn't about that at all, it is all about what Jesus did to get us to heaven. Everything that we do then revolves around thanksgiving and worship of God who gives salvation. Striving to do good then is an act of worship and thanksgiving. So if a pastor is addicted to cigs, the addiction is sin, and he should try to overcome it as an act of worship to God, as sin deglorifies God and righteousness brings him glory. Everything that we do then, striving in righteousness, brings him the glory and honor that he is due. Every sin that we perpetuatlly commit with no effort for change takes away from his worship and glory and though if you are in Christ, won't send you to hell, will leave you in a state of possible discipline from God. I know I have dwelt in such places before. But Discipline doens't mean hell. God disciplines us to bring us back into a state of righteousness for his own glory. He disciplines us to bring us back to himself.
So I can enjoy a pipe or a beer or a big steak or whatever, but if the pipe becomes something that I can't live without, it takes the place of God meeting all of my needs, then it needs to go. That is what we mean when talking about being mastered by something. The only thing I can't live without is God.