Regarding Toscanos and other Italian-style cigars (like Nostrano del Brenta & Ambasciator Italico), what are folks' thoughts on cutting them? My inclination is to smoke them amezzatto/in halves at all times as I have tried smoking them intero/whole before, but it lasted forever and had a tight draw. Lasting a long time isn't a problem for me with other cigars, but I missed the flavour I got from smoking them amezzato for most of the cigar. I have also tried il taglio aureo/the golden cut where you cut them nearly into two pieces of one third & two thirds, so you have a mini and a slightly longer cigar, but again the mini was a bit too small for me to smoke well. I watched some Douglas Mortimer videos on Youtube & although I can't speak Italian, he seemed to be recommending cutting a piece off both ends if you're going to smoke them whole/intero to free up the draw. Is this common practise in Italy? Many thanks
With regard to storing in a humidor, I cut a Toscano in two and kept the halves in a little leather two-finger cigar case for half Toscanos I bought on ebay for months and months, like maybe 6 months or so on a shelf outside a humidor. I smoked them the other day and there was no discernible loss in flavour or aroma, they were totally fine. I've stored them in a tupperdor and outside and I never noticed a difference. This was over autumn/winter in a Scottish climate, though I don't live in a particularly wet or damp part of Scotland (south-central Highlands).