Burnt Bowl - solution?

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Apr 26, 2018
I recently took a walk on a cool autumn day smoking a bowl of LJ Peretti's 'Thanksgiving Day' out of a bulldog no name English briar, a pipe that presents this blend very favorably. Well, half way through my walk I realized that it was much more windy than I thought it to be when I began. My pipe was burning to fast and too hot. I put it away in my coat pocket and went back home. Days, and now weeks later I find this pipe to have a 'burnt' flavor when smoked. I'm assuming the bowl got too hot from the wind. But I've never experienced this flavor or situation before. Has anyone else? And if so, any advice on how to overcome or fix it?
I've thought about deep cleaning the bowl, and reaming it to maybe rid the burnt carbon, but i hate to start over on my carbon build up if i can help it.
Just curious if anyone else has had this happen, and what did you do to resolve it?

I have had something similar happen while driving with a pipe with the window down. I got a burning wood flavor, so I just set the pipe aside. And, sure enough, the next smoke was sort of burned tasting. But, the pipe didn't have any darkening on it, nor any obvious burned areas inside the bowl, so I just kept smoking it. I guess the cake covered the burned area, but a few years latter and hundreds of hundreds of smokes in that very pipe, and it is just fine. YMMV

Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Were that mine, I'd do the deep cleaning where you put cotton balls in the bowl, a pipe cleaner up the shank, saturate the cotton balls with Everclear and let it sit for 24 hours. Gently ream a bit of cake out after that. I suspect you'll be fine. I find it hard to believe you caused serious damage. Fact is, 4 or 5 bowls of tobacco through it will probably cure the problem as well.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Even before the coffee grounds, a flush with hot water and paper towel dry and 'ream' (with the slightly abrasive fibre) may do the trick. Using the least extreme measure first is often a good idea. So, if more needed, damp coffee grounds for a few days; after that, if needed, Everclear and salt or cotton balls.



Apr 14, 2018
I bought a pipe that had been abused, char mark on the bottom of the pipe from a small divot inside the chamber that must have worked it's way out the bottom of the pipe through a fault in the briar. I cleaned out the chamber, patched it with Aristcob's Miracle Mud and smoked it gently for a few bowls, she has been just fine. Smokes great and no further damage.



Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Don't think this is a true burn out, nor that pipe mud is needed. Deck- have you inspected the chamber carefully for integrity?



Apr 14, 2018
I just wanted to add if it is even worse than he thought, that there is still hope to save the pipe.



Apr 26, 2018
Thanks for recommendations, folks. A lot of good ideas here.
jpmcwjr- yeah, there is nothing visibly wrong, just an odd, burnt flavor.

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