It does raise a question about the durability and longevity of anything online, in the cloud, or otherwise on digital media. History, blogs, video, etc. Nicholson Baker wrote a whole book about the misguided campaign to destroy paper library archives including newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals, and submit them all to microfilm and later microfiche, which turned out to be far less durable than paper. The man (Baker) took it upon himself to retain and store tons of discarded printed materials in a barn, and eventually found a home for it at Duke University. The microfiche fanatics, with all kindly intentions, did perhaps more damage than the Taliban has done to historical sites in the Middle East with sledge hammers and explosives. Shouldn't there be an archive of blogs? This illustrates that technology isn't as benign, free and open as it was visualized when the inventors and creators were young. Now it's just another revenue stream, destructive as any other.