Ontario; with a handle like that, I suspect you may be in Canada. Both Brigham, and their sister line Capri are readily available pretty much everywhere, and smoke wonderfully. The Brigham tobaccos are also excellent (and a standard...they blend for Schefield and Sons), as well as some MacBaren, and some of the McClellands lines are readily available; if you tell us a little more about what you like (flavour wise, are you a cigar or cigarette smoker, etc), we may be able to point you in the right direction. Heck, telling us where you're based out of might even lead you to a tobacconist.
Following that line of thought, ordering from the site sponsors is a good plan, but you should know that tobacco in excess of 200g / $20 CAD will be dung for a 300% duty hit at the border. I tend to keep orders to 6oz bulk or 4oz (100g) tinned, just to be on the safe side.