Tobacco Suggestions

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Oct 20, 2012
I received my C&D Autumn Evening and have smoked a few bowls so far.
The scent was as everyone said, strong smell of maple syrup.
As strong as it smelled, I expected a lot more flavor while smoking. There was some flavor but not that much.
I have no comments on room note because I have been smoking outside, and it has been pretty windy here the last few days.
I am wondering if the old yellow bole pipe I am using may be affecting the whole smoking experience and flavor, so I purchased a cheap cob pipe today. I debated purchasing a more expensive briar, but decided on cob before investing money in a more expensive pipe.



Jun 11, 2012
I would definitely give mac baren vanilla cream flake a try. By far one of my favorites and i always have some on hand. Boswells makes some very good blends but i wouldnt consider them even close to medium on the nic level



Oct 20, 2012
I like a lot of smoke, so I may be puffing too hard. That may end up being downfall when it comes to pipe smoking.
When I smoke cigars, I like a medium to full strength cigar. I'm wondering if I should try some of the latika blends. From the reviews it seems like these are stronger tobaccos that still have some flavor.
I like flavor, but I like a stronger tobacco as well.
The C&D I received was extremely dry when I received it so no drying is required. I've also have read a lot of reviews on how to pack a pipe as well, and have using the three step method which seems to work really well.



Jun 27, 2012
Johnnyxpipe was nice enough to send me an Autumn Evening sample. I haven't encountered a lot of aromatics I love, but my experience was a lot like yours. In addition I sometimes get a metallic taste down the middle of my tongue and roof of my mouth when I smoke certain aros and A. Evening was one of them that I experienced that with. (odd sentence) I enjoyed it for what it was but it wasn't quite what I was looking for.
I second Hawk's MB's Vanilla Cream Flake suggestion. It's got a nice undercurrent of Vanilla without tasting like pure extract and for me it smokes really well. I can't comment on the Vitamin N levels because I never seem to notice any in anything I've tried so far.
Based on your mention of cigars you might look into GL Pease's Key Largo of which I haven't smoked or maybe some of the more "flavored" Frog Morton Series (again haven't smoked). I suspect I like Latakia as well and have been enjoying Shortcut to Mushrooms a bit. It's got a mild sweetness and just is a downright "fun" smoke when I want a break from my current favorites.
A big problem for me is my smoking style. I don't sip well. I don't like to coax flavors and my tongue is dim witted. A lot of aros I've tried feel "thin" in terms of body.
As an aside for me I find that contrasting flavors help me identify things easier. VaPers ( I taste Virginia's better when I've got the Perique to help me sort it out), bitter or sourish drinks when I'm smoking a straight Virginia, etc. Coffee really helps me identify tastes easier.
Anyway sorry to ramble. Welcome aboard!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 17, 2012
Suncoast Florida by the Beach
If you want to try a mild English, try Sutliff's Berkshire. Also, contact C & D and ask their advice. Good people there and will reply with some good ones to start with. C & D blends are made with good quality tobaccos. They are usually freshly blended, so you might want to give a bit of time to mellow. You will find that a little time (month or two) after opening the tin or in a sealed jar makes a LOT of difference. McClelland tobacco blends are often aged before they are sold - very high quality tobaccos from them and they offer some awesome blends.

Go to this site and start reading. Enjoy!




Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
Austin, TX
Nording Labrador
I dont smoke a lot of aros but that one is nothing short of amazing.
I also like Butternut Burley from P&C when I want something light and easy to smoke with a great aroma.



Sep 8, 2012

wtabasco -- I'd suggest McClelland's Frog Morton as a nice entry into English / Balkan / Latakia blends. It is a very well known and popular blend and a lot of folks use it as their bridge from Aromatics into the Latakia blends. Note that there are about 5 different blends in the Frog Morton series (Frog Morton On The Bayou, Frog Morton Across the Pond, etc...) I'd start with the original one that is simply called Frog Morton.
As far as Aromatics, if you like blends that generate a lot of smoke, I'd suggest McClelland's Ashtpn Revival Oldchurch.
As far as thinking that you were going to get more flavor, I agree with some of the other comments here -- you can't rush things. Just take your time and slowly sample lots of things. In general though -- be aware that although there are many fine Aromatic blends (and many pipe smokers regularly smoke Aromatics), they are generally lighter than the English / Balkan / Latakia blends, and you may not get as much heavy "tobacco" flavor from them. Especially if you're used to medium to full strength cigars, you may find most Aromatic pipe tobaccos not flavorful enough for you. I'm one of those guys that -- while I do keep and smoke a few Aromatics -- I just find that they do not have enough tobacco flavor for me, so I predominantly smoke the heavier stuff. But one is not better than the other. It's just a matter of taste. One of the great things about this "hobby" of ours is that there is enough variation in tobaccos and pipes to accommodate us all. Good luck.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 20, 2011
If you are a cigar smoker, give Dunhill Royal Yacht a shot. It is considered an aromatic with a fig,raisin, chocolate top dressing but it is basically a straight Virginia with enough nicotine to drop a horse. I don't think you will have any complaints about lack of fullness with the Yacht. :puffy:



Nov 25, 2012
i am a newbie pipe smoker also and have been really enjoying both Captain Black White & Royal. Just got a sample of Lanes 1Q yesterday and found it to be exactly what I was looking for. I dont think you would be disappointed with 1Q at all and it is reasonably priced online.



Nov 25, 2012
also if you are looking to get a few pipes it is pretty hard to beat Missouri Meerschaums Grab bag of 2nd's. At least 10 pipes for $35-$40 with shipping. Cobs are my favorite pipes so far.

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