In Search of a Few Good Spreadsheets

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Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
As some of you all here know, although I started smoking pipes back in 1982, I only really got into them this past October. Since then my Briar Stable and my Tobacco Cellar have both experienced exponential growth. (we won't talk about my available discretionary income ??? )
What you may not know is that I work @ a small software development company as an Operations Director. As is often the case, one thing that many of us in the company have in common, besides golf and cigars, is that we all seem to be collectors. Some of us collect baseball cards, others Beanie Babies, before getting into pipes I collected antique and vintage wrist watches and old pens.
The thing I've learned, as it pertains to other collectibles, is that there seems to be tremendous resources, by way of inventories or databases, that help collectors keep track of their collections as well as informing them about any items they may be missing from said collections.
I've been poking around the ol interweb and haven't really found as much of this information on pipes as I seem to run into for Beanie Babies or Pez dispensers.
Having a voracious appetite for whatever I'm interested in, I would like to find any and all spreadsheets that might exist for pipes. More specifically, I would love to find spreadsheets that might contain all the model #'s, shapes and years of any give pipe company's production over the years. I guess I'm really looking for databases or the info with which I could create one.
So, with all of that being said, I'd love to hear from any of you that might be able to help set me on the right path.
Thanks in advance



Dec 12, 2016
Hey guy ... I don't think you will find what you are looking for. Unlike pez dispensers and beanie babies, pipe collecting - in my opinion, is something less in the spot light so to speak. I don't think there are databases, as pipes probably did not have a stated collectible commercial goal. People started collecting pipes, and I suppose that is inherent, but unlike other stuff I never heard of the, for say, "Savinelli 2010 centenary limited collector's edition". I may be wrong, but I think pipes and their collector's value have different criteria from many other collectible items.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
I used a simple Excel spreadsheet for my pipes (all brand and purchase details) and a tab on that sheet for GBD shape numbers, but it's not a database. I probably should have gone the database route.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
Thanks for the feedback fellas.
One of the things the company I work with does is create databases. I know the guy that collects baseball cards has found several "inventories" and spreadsheets that's helped him create a database for his collection and to be aware of what he is missing. He's done the same thing for Beanie Babies and is currently looking @ something for comic books.
I thought it would be neat to have a central point of reference, database, of what had been manufactured over the years. I realize that even trying to date some of these pipes will be all but impossible, but it would be neat to at least document the styles, shapes and genre's. After all, we already have the construct of the db complete, just need to populate it with pipe specific stuff. :)
My motivations are selfish. I don't want to see rich and interesting history of pipes and tobaccos lost as due to Deeming's , attrition or political correctness.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
I'm actually not looking for a template. I'm compiling collections from different people and organizations. IF they have their collections in a spreadsheet it just makes it easier to bring into our database.
Hope that clears it up a bit.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
I'm still puzzled chum. Why would anyone want/need to compile a database of other folks pipe collections? Also, why would anyone want their personal collection to be on someone else's or a shared database?
I've read over your posts again but I still feel lost.
Evidently I am missing some crucial point here...alas not for the first time :roll:



Part of the Furniture Now
May 11, 2017
In the old days of DOS, Reflex, by Borland, would be the key. Older Windows versions of Microsoft Works Database are similar in that you make the fields and you have card files on everything. Searchable, Calculating. Now the databases all want you o create tables. Been in computers since 1986 and I am lost. Spreadsheets are easier, but less flexible.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
I've used P&T Foundations software for years but it hasn't been supported in probably five or more years and I've had some issues with it last week. I have the basics backed up to paper but I really need to find something to replace it fast. I really want something that I can attach pictures to. I'm nervous because the history of my collection is detailed on it and I don't want to lose it. 8O



Oct 10, 2013
Man, that was one heck of a windup, with no pitch!

By the end of the post, I was fully expecting a link to some very nice spreadsheets or db's that you'd applied to formidable skills to in creating.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
Ok guys, let me rewind a bit and see if I can communicate a little less cryptically.
As I stated in the original post, I work for a small software development company. Our primary focus over the last 15 years or so has been almost entirely in the "Storage" industry, primarily working with manufacturers to develop "standards / CIM" based software geared for IT professionals to manage very large data centers.
Nothing glamorous or sexy at all, more like the "Plumbing" software really, and you will never have heard of us unless you worked with one of these large companies.
Last year, while out on the course after work and smokin a few cigars, the founder of our company was talking about his extensive baseball card collection, wife's Hummel collection, brothers comic book collection, one of our teams daughters Beanie Baby collections. The fact that many of us in the company had something or other that we all collected, and that there was really no one place for collectors with multiple collections or varied interests could go to learn about their collections, inventory their collections, add to or sell part of, etc...
This discussion lead to our embarking on a new project.
What we are designing is a comprehensive social media site tailored specifically for collectors, with tools and resources to help them better manage, collect, restore, insure or sell their collectibles.
The fella that has the big baseball card collection (over 100k cards) is taking the lead on developing that part of the site. Same goes for the Beanie Baby collector and so on.
I'm the Pipe and Cigar guy. Besides building my own stable of pipes and tobacco cellar, I've been spending as much time as I can to learn about the history of and models and years of various pipes produced over the last couple of centuries.
There is absolutely no "pride of authorship" on my behalf and I will readily admit that I most certainly "Don't Know what I Don't Know" when it comes to the piping world. I just happen to know a tad bit more than my colleagues.
So, to answer some of the questions posed here...
Q "Why would anyone want to share their Personal Collection?
A Some people just want to do so. They're big into collecting, whatever it is they collect, and they want to share and help others that share same interests. (Not unlike those of you here that send pipes and tobacco to noobs, vets or fellow pipe enthusiasts) Some others want to help their particular area of interest but choose to keep it anonymous. We are accommodating both and will either make their respective collections public or anonymous.
Q "Why are you doing this?"
A Again, we're trying to create a site that can be essentially a centralized area for collectors of all interests and hobbies to come to learn about their area of interest, find resources, information and others that share their interests / passion.
Many folks have collections that have gotten so big they need help inventorying it.
At this point guys, we haven't even launched our Beta. We're chippin away and are developing databases for the various collectible areas that will be beneficial for both the casual collector as well as the hard core.

This isn't a solicitation for anything other than any information, history, etc... on various Pipe manufacturers, models, years etc... that you may have compiled over the years.

We are a privately held corporation. We have not and are not seeking venture capital. This is not a "crowd funding" effort.
My main reason for wanting to add as much info on pipes as I can is probably more nostalgic than anything. This past Sunday marked the 35th year that I've been smoking a pipe. It was a gift from a dear friend and mentor. I recently got back into smoking a pipe (Oct of 16) and have been building my stable, over 60 pipes now, and cellar, upwards of 150 jars, tins and canisters thus far.
I am hoping to archive as much information as we can on our hobby / passion so as not to be forgotten or lost to time.
If there are any other questions or concerns gang, please don't hesitate to PM me and we can set up a phone call to clarify things further.
Hope this helped



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
There's already a lot of data available on the net that you can gather. A Google images search for pipe shape charts will yield some results. There's a lot of material already posted on Pipedia and on Pipephil. More bits and pieces are being discovered constantly. eBay is a constant source of new info, based on the auctions that are continually taking place. Worthpoint provides information about auction results. Start collecting catalogs. Lots of stuff in a variety of places. Altogether, it's an interesting idea, one that you can spend some years getting off the ground.
As for collectors sharing their collections in some publicly accessible and searchable location, no one is going to do that. They don't want people knowing what they have. People with important collections do not publicize them. The biggest tobacco collections are NOT found on In the 6+ years that I've been riding herd on the Pipedia Barling page, very few collectors have been willing to share any of what they have so that others can learn. Part of this response is a natural reticence to reveal personal info, part of it is fear, some of it is snobbery or a perverse pride in hoarding something all to one's self.



Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
I appreciate your feedback, and concerns.
One thing I did want to make sure, that was effectively communicated here, was that I'm also interested in any and all information that may be out there on a particular pipe manufacturer and what models they had available for any given year.
Yes, I've been scouring the interweb and have come across several catalogs from various mfr.'s depicting models, shapes and finishes, etc...
Thanks again

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