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  1. V


    I bought the first limited edition back in 1997. The only ones that does not need polishing. And I think the best limited edition they ever made. However the year 2002 pipes are excellent too especially the bent spigot one. This I suppose is what they call mellow briar. I have too the 1905 and...
  2. V


    I bought my first pipe in Italy back in 1982. However I started to get serious about pipe smoking in 1991 in Wales. In good old Swansea. Regular visits to the tobacconists. The first Peterson's. Some aromatic blends with apricot some scottish flakes and all those english blends not for beginners...
  3. V

    Rotation Routine

    Any advice and experience on how you rotate tobaccos is highly welcomed. I smoke flakes mainly stragith virginia but it gets heavy. So when I am fed up I smoke a bowl with aromatic blends. So what's the better routine? Start the day with some aromatic and then move to unscented tobaccos?
  4. V

    New Member

    My name is Kostas I am Greek and I live in central Greece. I used to be a pipe smoker for a decade back in the nineties when I was studing in UK. Recently I came back in the hobby and I intent to stay. I have a collection of Peterson pipes and I prefer straight Virginia blends. Nowdays I smoke...