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  1. L

    Reassembling Colibri Elite

    A plastic bag--wish I thought of that! I've dropped little pieces before and always found them, but I still haven't recovered the spring yet. It ricocetted pretty good. Yeah, if I knew then what I know now, I would never had bought a Colibri--a fancy collectible one, at that. It was a gift to my...
  2. L

    Reassembling Colibri Elite

    Shoot. Well, I'm glad I asked. I've been fiddling with it for a long time. If the fill valves are shot, is there anyway to replace them? In the meanwhile, my spring bounced across the room last night, apparently into another dimension, so I have to hit pause until I find it.
  3. L

    Reassembling Colibri Elite

    The gas comes right back out of the filling valve on the bottom. I can actually feel it. I tried placing the spring in the locations you named, but realized afterward that I goofed and put the spring above the bar (ie: the silver plate piece). The spring is a tight fit under the bar/plate--it...
  4. L

    Reassembling Colibri Elite

    Thank you! Yes, I installed the silver rod piece that pushes against the plate when the lid is closed. I did indeed forget to include it in the disassembled pic. You can see it in the video I linked to, too. I will put the spring under the black piece sticking up and report back. Thank you again...
  5. L

    Reassembling Colibri Elite

    I took apart this Colibri Elite FTR 37000 over 15 years ago, when I was young and stupid. Now I’m trying to revive it, but I suspect that I made mistakes reassembling back then. I have a spring that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. (The good folks on Reddit helped me identity a second mystery...