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  1. O

    Cats & Pipes

    That's Nelly,I am honestly not a cat person(have 4 dogs)but my old neighbor in Alabama had outdoor cats and momma got pregnant and when my then 6yr old daughter saw them I knew one was coming home,lol. Go figure the cat decided I was her human and goes everywhere with me and if I sit down is...
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    Covid /Palate Fatigue/Palate Cleansing

    I have had covid several times now over the last 2 years and last fall was the 1st time I completely lost all sense of smell or taste,they both have kind of come back now but things I liked before I now hate and vice versus. I never liked much Latakia but now I smoke a good deal of it mostly...
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    Your Cellar Size

    Currently 37lbs,I'm in the process of moving so I boxed everything up and weighed it to see. I smoke mostly old school stuff so most of it is tubs of PA,Granger,Velvet with 2 un opened tubs of old Sugar Barrel.
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    New Member in the Heart of Dixie

    Little late but welcome from North Alabama,just moved back from florida.
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    Codger Blend as a Daily Smoke

    I smoke PA or Granger atleast once a day,I smoke alot of other blends besides those but they are the ones that I always have around and grab if I'm not itching for something special.
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    Thanksgiving blend?

    Cary Grant and Nightcap for me
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    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2021?***

    Just opened a new tub of Granger to go with the tub of Prince Albert that i opened a couple weeks ago,next up is a new tub of Velvet once i finish the PA.
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    What Blend did your Grandfather Smoke?

    Unfiltered Camels on my fathers side and i have been told Prince Albert and Velvet on my mothers side,both of my grandfathers died when i was young so im going by what i have been told.
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    Long Time Lurker from Florida

    I know the area,i work in Ocala most everyday.
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    Long Time Lurker from Florida

    sent you a pm,im up for that once we slow down at work.
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    How Much Do You Smoke?

    Somedays i smoke 10+ bowls and others maybe 1,i chew also so if im on a chew kick i smoke less.
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    Another Sign Of Getting Old.

    Im not old but i realized i am not young either when i noticed i have no tolerance anymore for stupid people,and the large tub of rolaids that i now seem to need all the time because i refuse to stop eating what i could when i was younger.
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    What Got You Into Pipe Smoking?

    My parents have always been very anti tobacco anything but growing up my grandpas and all thier friends smoked pipes and chewed tobacco,they chewed during the day on the farms and smoked pipes when the days work was done. I always loved the smell of thier houses and when i got to go to the...
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    Anybody Find Small Pipes a PIA to Smoke?

    Cant say i have ever had a problem with them, but i do not like them. I have tried several over the years and have given all of them away,much prefer a larger bowl.
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    Long Time Lurker from Florida

    Im originally from Cape Coral,used to tear around the Glades myself when we still lived there before the boom started.
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    Long Time Lurker from Florida

    I know the area,i work alot in Ocala and sometimes Gainesville.
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    Long Time Lurker from Florida

    Title edited to capitalize important words. -jpm. Hello from west central Fl,been reading here for years but never took the time to register. I have been smoking a pipe for around 20-25yrs now and mostly stick to the old OTC brands(NOT captain black anything) but do enjoy some Latakia blends...
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    New Members, Introduce Yourself!

    Hello everyone,another new guy to the forum here from SW Florida. I'm 36,smoked my 1st pipe back around 2000 but until recently(year ago) smoked mainly ciggs with a few bowls a week tossed in. I smoke mainly MM pipes with forever stems but have a good sized collection of briars also,i usually...