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  1. P

    How Many Bowls is Too Much for a Pipe Everyday?

    I heard 2 bowls are the maximum that a pipe can afford everyday... more than 2 is overloaded, is that true? Thanks! -------------------------- Thanks for being a member and participating. Thread title fixed. Please see rule 9 here along with the rest of the forum rules - Kevin...
  2. P

    having very hard time to light up my pipe........

    Hi guys, im new. I bought a pipe and Lane Bulk BCA... and just got them yesterday... I watched so many videos on youtube but I still can't light my pipe.. the fire only last like 20 seconds... I also found out the tobacco is kind of "wet"... plx help:(
  3. P

    I am new, just bought my first pipe, and few questions, thanks!

    Hi guys, first of all, I'm sorry for my not perfect English since it's not my first language. So I saw a deal on pipeandcigars today, I bought 1lb Lane BCA plus pipe for $39.95 (I already tried Lane BCA before, I really like it :D)...
  4. P

    Please help, I'm a newbie.

    Hi guys, I have been smoking for few years. And just started to roll my own cigarette 2 months ago. I want to try pipe too. I have few questions, 1. what website(s) are the best for buying tobacco and pipe?? 2. Can I use pipe tobacco to roll cigarette? 3. Is smoking pipe better than...